Chapter 4: Return to Kouh

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3rd Pov

Camp Half-Blood

It was a bright and sunny morning in Camp Half-Blood, the sanctuary for the children of the Greek gods.  It was a beautiful morning, the Apollo was shining, the harpies were chirping, and the breakfast horn would sound any minute to call the demigods to start their day of beating each other to the verge of death, and calling it "training". Inside the Hestia cabin, its sole resident was waking up to enjoy this morning. (Y/N) had slowly opened his eyes and tried to sit up to stretch, but was confused when he found he couldn't. So he looked down to see the messy red hair of one Rias Gremory. At first (Y/N) was confused t why there was girl in his bed, but then the memories of the previous day caught up to him.

(Y/N):*thoughts* Thats right, the engagement, Issei, and Rias. Surprise, anger, and love respectivly.

(Y/N) gave a small smile as he ran his hands through Rias' hair, before trying to get out from underneath her cuddles, but ended up waking her in the process.

Rias:*grogily* Wha- what time is it?

(Y/N) looked over at the clock and saw it was 7:30

(Y/N): 7:30 in the morning.

Rias looked up and met (Y/N)'s bright eyes and warm smile, causing a blush to come over her cheeks. She shook her head to get rid of the blush before giving her own smile.

(Y/N): We should probably get up, I don't want any of the other campers barging in on us.

Rias: Yes, my peerage is probably wondering where I am about now.

The two got out of the bed and got dressed, facing away from each other. Just as they both finished, a knock was heard on the door.

???: (Y/N), It's alomsgt time for breakfast, are you coming?

(Y/N) simply gave a shooshing gesture towards Rias as he cleared his throat and answered the person at the door.

(Y/N): Yeah, I'll be out in a few minutes Percy.

Percy: Ok, I'll see you in the dining pavillon.

Percy's footsteps faded away as (Y/N) turned back to Rias and spoke to her.

(Y/N): After talking to you last night, I've made the decision to return to Kouh so I can get to know you and your peerage better. i will hopefully be there later today.

Rias: Thats great to hear, I will inform my peerage so they can formally meet you.

Rias created a teleportation circle on the ground, but before she stepped into it, she went over to (Y/N) and gave him a kiss on the cheek. (Y/N)'s cheeks immediately turned red and he put his hand on the spot that was kissed. Rias giggled before stepping into the circle and leaving his cabin.

(Y/N) stood in the same spot for a few minutes with a doopy smile on his face until he looked at the time and saw it was almost time for breakfast. He shook the last hints of red off his cheeks before stepping out of his cabin and walking towards the dining pavilion. (Y/N) quickly took his spot at the councilors table right as the horn rang out, signaling the start of breakfast. The dining pavilion quickly filled with teenaged demigods, separated by godly parent, while the councilors of each cabin sat at the same table as (Y/N). Chiron stood and made his announcements, the demigods gave food for their godly parent, and began eating.

After some time, the horn blew a second time, ending breakfast and beginning the daily training all demigods had. (Y/N) had stopped Chiron and Mr. D before the went their separate ways to talk to them.

Chiron: What's the problem (Y/N)?

(Y/N): I am sure you are aware of the situation that recently came to light.

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