Chapter 4- More seen then wanted

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I woke up in the morning to the smell of smoke. I walked out if bed and looking in the kitchen "Marshall!" I screamed and fanned out the smoke. "I was trying to make breakfast in bed." He shrugged. I slapped him gently "You'll kill us both if you cook again..." I whispered and disposed of the burnt pancakes. "You don't have anymorr apples." He said calmly and floated to the couch. "I'll go in town and get them,anyways Gummy wanted to see me." I announced and Marshall shot up "Gummy the gaytard!?" Marshall yelled and laughed. I hit him hard with my hand "He is not gay! And what's so bad about being gay..I mean.. theres some really hot girls in the candy kingdom." I teased playfully.

   "You like girls?" He asked shocked. "No! I like guys Marshall." I said and grabbed a snack bar "I'll tell gummy im busy...i have to make sure you don't ruin everything." I said "And when im gone don't lay a finger on my stuff Marshall or ill punch you so hard you'll be knocked out for days." I warned. He smiled "Oh my oh my ima just play on Bemo all day. Besides, im a man who needs girly stuff anyways." I blushed and walked outside and headed for the market to buy apples and drinks for the days.

Marshall's POV

  I looked out the window and waited for her to leave. She had a nice body,sure she was like a D cup and her curves..she has no ass but im not an ass guy. I headed for her bedroom and shut the door "What is miss perfect hiding?" I asked and walked to her beside table. I opened it,nothing but makeup and tweezers and clippers. I opened the other one and found socks. I walked over to the other side of the room and looked at her t-shirt drawer. Some tees,mostly blue,green,red,or gray but there was black shirt. It was one of mine..i gave it to her when she was cold and wet and i told her not to worry she could have a shirt. I smiled at the memory and moved to the next drawer.

Pants and some skirts and shorts..very basic girl Miss. Fiona i give you that. I opened another drawer and smiled "Holy fuck..." In the drawer was lace underwear,navy blue,red,pink,cheetah,and everything else. "She'll defently have to wear this for me one day." I said and held up a pair of red and black underwear. It was all red and the lace was black but when you turned around for the back in black letters was, 'Bite me.' I don't mind if i do Fifi. I smirked and put everything in place then i shut the drawer. I opened the next one and there was bras that matched the underwear perfectly

"I'd like to see what you have on now under those clothes.." i thought naughtily. Stop it Marshall...Shes the innocent girl you know..don't ruin this..this is the place where you sleep don't ruin it. I ran back to the livingroom when i saw her out the window. She opened the door and eyed me. "Hey Marshall." She smiled,happy mood..we'll see. "Apples are in the bag.."She tossed me a bag and i cought it carefully. I looked at an apple and sucked the red out. "You look happy..what happened? Gummy let you free?" I teased her. She blushed "No! And what i do wirh gummy is my business only Marshall Lee." I smirked "Whatever you say Fiona Lee." I walked to the bathroom and stripped down for a shower.

"What are you doing?! Don't break my stuff Marsha-" She opened the door and saw me naked. "Ahh! Marshall cover it up please ew ew." She closed her eyes tight and I laughed "You came in here..i mean i would too..look at me." I teased and turned her around "Im going to shower babe." She slapped me without looking and walked out. I chuckled and shut the door. I turned on the water and started to shower.

  Fiona's POV

  I've been blinded. I saw his thingy and his whole self naked! I mean... i had to make sure he didnt kill anything.. i didnt know he'd be naked! And he looks really hot.. and his junk..if he was just soft id love to see how he is- No you wouldnt! Stop that hes gross and hes nasty and hes a vampire. Hes dirty and immature and he'll leave soon. Thats 5 times hes broken rule 2.

I really liked the way his hair was and his flannel,i listened to his music once or twice and its really good. But thats all.. mostly. Okay i listened it maybe a few 20 times.. I sat on the couch. Cake would kill me if she saw me around Marshall..he was a vampire and i He was the bad boy and i was the good girl. People have told me that me and Marshall would look so cute together but..hes complicated and if i were to date him Cake would kick me out or kill him..not seriously but

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2015 ⏰

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