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Hi there~! I'm not a new writer, but I haven't been on Wattpad long. I won't update unless you comment telling me you want more, this goes for all of my stories, and yeah... This is my first time doing this type of story, so I don't know if I can call this a BTT X Reader because it kind of is... Anyways~ Give me your opinion and tell me how I'm doing~! I love feedback. Now some background info on you. (Also feel free to change anything you want about the looks! Look however you want, nobody else is reading this but you~!)

My name is _______. I am 15 years old and go to Hetalia High. My hair colour and eye colour change on my mood, I know it sounds odd and no I don't represent a country. I am what some call a second representative. I speak and understand all languages and cultures. So yeah, not normal... My parents abused me until I was 10. That's when my big sister murdered them and went to jail. I was left alone to deal with life, and all went well until 8th grade, when I was 14. I had a great group of friends, who foolishly got the nickname "Bad Touch Trio". I wasn't included because no one else liked me except the BTT. Antonio, Gilbert, and Francis treated me like a goddess and we all had so much fun. But then they ditched me when people found out about my problems at home, and the bruises under my clothes. I got teased in sixth and seventh grade and my whole life, but back then I had the BTT to help me through it. When they got invited to parties and I didn't. But still I told them to go. Eventually it resulted in me pushing them away every time they tried to talk to me. Now I'm wrapped up in my music and studies... focusing on getting out of this shit place and doing bigger and better things with my life, y'know? Well here goes nothing... tomorrow's my first day as a freshmen! Wish me luck...

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