tape this broken pieces back together

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Sometimes Alex needed a distraction.

Most of the time, Samheed was okay with being that distraction, when Alex was stressed or upset and just needed someone to be there for him. More than okay.

But not this time.

This time, Alex hadn't slept in days, his long, dark brown hair was tangled, he was barely able to keep his chocolatey eyes open, and the skin below them was shadowed and bruised purple. He looked pale.

Despite all this, his face was buried in Samheed's neck, pressing kisses up and down, sucking on the tender brown skin and leaving pretty big marks. Samheed squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, trying to tamp down any desire he had to keep this going. He knew it wasn't right, but he couldn't help but kiss his boyfriend, just once. Alex kissed him back fervently, seeming a little more awake, one hand gripping Sam's hip, pushing up the fringe of his shirt.

Even in this state, he was indescribably gorgeous. His clear skin, high cheekbones, warm brown eyes and dark curls, his perfect, rosy lips. Sam loved him like crazy. That was why he gently pushed him back, even though all he really wanted to do was pull Alex over to his own bed and kiss him senseless.

Alex looked hurt for a moment, then he looked away. "I know, I know," he muttered roughly. "Sorry. I thought you wanted-"

"No, no, I do! I do," Samheed interrupted earnestly, and maybe a little too eagerly for a guy who was trying to convince his boyfriend to sleep, rather than sleep with him.

Alex looked back up at him, and Samheed shook his head vehemently, trying to get himself back on track, though it was a little difficult. But he knew he was right. "You just need some rest. This is not- this is not a good idea right now."

Alex sighed. "Yeah, I know. I just- Agh. Good grief. I'm a mess." He firmly shook his head, swaying on his feet. Samheed reached forward and pulled him into a big hug. Alex sagged closer to Sam, resting his head on his boyfriend's chest. Samheed stumbled for a moment at the sudden weight- Alex seemed to have given up on standing by himself. He suddenly seemed ten times more tired than he had been only a minute ago. Samheed's heart ached, seeing Alex so exhausted, so drained. He was normally so vibrant and full of life. Despite being shorter than Samheed, Alex was strong, tall and lanky and surprisingly heavy- all skin and bones and muscle. However, Samheed was easily strong enough to lift him, so he did just that, swinging Alex's legs up and carrying him bridal style over to his bed.

He flopped him down rather unceremoniously. Alex didn't even complain, so Samheed knew that at this point he must be really out of it. He sighed.

"Have you brushed your teeth yet?" he asked.

"Mmhm," Alex murmured.

Samheed considered him for a long moment. "I get the sense you have no idea what you're agreeing to. Am I right?"

Alex blinked blearily. "Wha-what was the question?"

Samheed pinched his eyes shut for a moment. "I can't believe you were trying to get into my pants two minutes ago."

Alex flushed.

"Do you want to just skip brushing your teeth or what?"

"No, I'll . . ."

Samheed marched into the adjoining bathroom, grabbed Alex's toothbrush, smeared some toothpaste on it, ran it under the water, and brought it back to the bed. There, Alex brushed his teeth as slowly as humanly possible. When he was done, Samheed helped him up, frog-marched him into the bathroom, waited as he rinsed his mouth out, tugged him back to the bed, and yanked off his robe and sweater. Despite his exhaustion, Alex managed to smirk.

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