Lets get it ready

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Grace's P.O.V
So we're having fraternal twins... Great twins... We get home and Tom says that he's going to get a nursery started in the spare room. No more spare room anymore.

Tom's P.O.V
Holy Jesus we're expecting twins!
Both boys thank good. I'm in the spare room getting it ready while Grace is sleeping whilest she can... I've got 4 months to get the nursery ready, I'm off to bunnings to get some baby blue paint and two cots from Big W.
I'm in bunnings at the paint aisle when I spot my best friend Josh. He asks me what I'm doing here and I say that I'm gonna be a father in 4 months so I'm getting paint for the nursery, he looks at me shocked and then congratulates Grace and I. He asks what we're having and I say fraternal twin boys. I go grab the paint and head off to Big W for the cots, I'm in looking in the baby section and see heaps of clothes, toys, prams and ah finally cots. I look at the best ones, stained oak wood. I go to the lady walking around doing checks on stock and ask about the cot, she goes and grabs a trolley to wheel them over to the front counter and pay for them.
I wheel them around the shop and go to the cash register to pay.

Grace's P.O.V
So while Tom is out getting stuff for the nursery I'm going to have a shower and freshen up. I haven't showered in a few days but that's because I've felt comfortable in the bath, I turn the taps on and adjust the water before getting undressed from my huge baggy shirt and underwear. I get under the water and automatically feel amazing, I stand there for a few minutes and then start washing my hair and body. 15 minutes later I get out of the shower, I throw my baggy shirt and a pair of tracksuit pants on.

Tom's P.O.V
So I'm packing the cot boxes into my van, my phone starts ringing. Its Grace. I wonder what is going on at the house..
T: Hey bub what's going on?
G: Nothing hunni, I was just wondering where you are
T: Oh I'm out getting some stuff but don't stress I'll be home in a few minutes
G: Okay baby I'll see you soon
T: Bye bubba
G: Bye hunni
Tom's P.O.V
I need to get these cots in the van before I flip my shit.
They're in. I get in the van and drive back to the house. I pull in the driveway, wow for once Grace isn't sitting outside on the porch. Maybe she just doesn't want to. I get in the house to find it dead silent so I start worrying, I look in our room first. Oh thank god she's asleep and not dead, what a dark thought... Anyway at least she's safe, I go back outside to the van and start getting the cot boxes out. I get one through the door before I hear Grace call out my name, I automatically think something is wrong so I start running upto the bedroom. I say What's wring bubba? She says Nothing bub I was just wondering what those noises downstairs were I laugh and say I've been getting the nursery ready, now go back to sleep baby. Make the last of it while you can She just smiles at me and rolls over to go back to sleep.
I go back downstairs and finish getting the cot boxes into the nursery.

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