Don't Leave ⛈

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TW: mild talk of mania, mentions of sewerslide, slight nsfw, immaculate music taste (yes another chapter based off of a song)

*crash* "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME" you yelled at your girlfriend
"DONT LIKE IT DO YOU?" She yelled back "that could've killed me" you retaliated
"It's not like you haven't been trying to kill yourself anyways" she replied curtly.
You were arguing again and this time it escalated quickly, you were pissed and you had every right to be but so did she. You were going through another manic episode which you talked to Helena and your therapist about but seeing as Helena had other things to worry about there were some things you hadn't told her like how you had been having those thoughts again how you were extremely close to attempting because you thought she was upset with you. You knew this was bound to happen when you gave your therapist her number just in case you tried anything, but you knew if it got to that point it was best she be kept notified. "I SAID I WAS SORRY" you yelled at her "IF YOU WERE SORRY YOU WOULD'VE TOLD ME WHEN YOU TRIED IT" she screamed back and she was right but she was wrong at the same time, you were more sorry she had found out at all not that you tried to do it. Helena had known you had Mania and had meds to take but she knew how hard it was for you to actually take them, you were trying but it was hard sometimes and she knew that too. "I don't know what you want from me" you sighed tired of the arguing "was it not clear?" She scoffed "I want you to try just try to get better" "I AM TRYING NO THANKS TO YOU" you all but yelled at her throwing a glass at the wall beside her. "Go to hell...oh yea forgot you already tried to" she spat.
"You make it seem like being with me is so bad if that's the case then just leave" you told her
"Maybe I should" she looked at you wanting you to try and stop her or show you cared if she left but got nothing
"Yea maybe" you looked up to see her staring at the ground tears streaming down her face
"If that's what you want" she said beginning to walk towards your bedroom
"You know that's not what I want" you told her immediately feeling bad for suggesting she leave. She didn't reply she continued her walk to your room grabbing her suit case you walking in moments later to see her packing her  things.

"Baby stop you're not leaving" you told her walking up to her standing in front of her suitcase to stop her from putting more clothes into it, she continued grabbing clothes crying while mumbling to herself. She made her way back towards you to get to her suitcase as you stepped in front of it blocking her path "I'm serious stop you aren't leaving me" you told her beginning to cry as you grabbed the clothes from her hand and tossing them on the bed, deep down you felt it'd be better for her if she left you and she felt the same way about you but you loved each other entirely too much to let one another go. She was your drug and you were hers people called your relationship toxic but it was just how you loved each other most of the arguments you had were petty and insignificant, you'd eventually get over it or just fuck and makeup but when things got heated like this those looking from the outside in were scared for you both. "It seems you want me to do why shouldn't I" she questioned looking up at you still crying "I don't want you to leave" you told her "you know me I'm a mess I say things I don't mean"
"Then why does it feel like you meant it huh" she asked going back to packing her suitcase "I'm sorry ok I know I have a temper but please don't hold that against me"
"Your temper isn't the issue you need to get your shit together ok, I love you too much to be the reason you won't"
" not perfect. I may not ever get my shit together"
"I'm not asking you for perfect I'm asking you to try" she cried out
"I am trying why can't you see that" you asked her through tears of your own. She walked back into the closet as you followed closely behind, "just forget about it" she whispered back "I'm leaving" she began grabbing more clothing from her drawer. "Please don't leave" you begged her "you know in your heart you don't want to so please" you told her
"Your right..." she began "but I need to before I change my mind" she walked back over to her suitcase putting her clothes in and shutting it, "I'm sorry you know we shouldn't be together anyways this isn't normal" she said grabbing her suitcase and beginning to walk out. "We aren't like anybody else, perfectly imperfect baby that's us" you stepped in front of the door frame "I need to go" she told you trying to move past you "don't leave me" you pleaded grabbing her by the waist "shut your mind off and let your heart breathe you don't need to be worried" she looked down avoiding your gaze. You lifted her chin so she would look you in the eye "don't go what we have here is irreplaceable, I may never get my shit together but ain't nobody gonna love you better" you wiped her tears as she looked at you with sadness "my mind is made up y/n" she said softly before she could move you pulled her closer to you "just shut your mind off and let your heart hear me" you told her. Putting one hand on her cheek and the other around her waist you pulled her into a soft slow kiss holding her tightly against you afraid she'd try to leave but knowing deep down she didn't want to leave you, she wanted you to be afraid of losing her, of losing all you'd created together and you were scared not only of losing her but not being enough for her. You hated that your metal Health would cause strains in the relationship and that everyone always had a comment or two about your relationship but you knew you'd never leave her no matter how much you wanted to die. The both of you pulled apart for air foreheads resting against one another's "do you really want to be with me" she asked you sounding uncertain of what your answer would be, without responding you pulled her into another kiss this one being even more passionate the the one before "are you...kidding me..." you asked in between kisses "I want to spend the rest of my life with you" you told her as those words left your mouth her hand left the handle of her suitcase so as to snake her arms around your neck "I love you so much" she told you between kisses "I love you so much more" you replied when you finally broke apart for air. You stared into each other's blood shot eyes for a moment before she pulled you into yet another kiss as she pushed you up against the wall harshly causing you to let out a slight moan giving her access to explore your mouth with her tongue, as your tongues fought for dominance your hand started roaming her body grabbing every part of her that you could before you went to take off her shirt. After doing so she took off yours too staring deeply into your eyes "are you sure you want me" she asked "I want every part of you always" you replied and with that, Quickly she hoisted you legs around her waist and kissed you once more before carrying you over to the bed....

WC: 1372 words
A/N: hiii y'all want a part 2?? Sorry I've been inactive though guys life's kicking my ass bit side note, does anyone know what happened  to Darlingbonhamcarter I went to re-read one of their stories but the whole account was gone🥺any clues? They were one of my favorite writers on here. Anyways as always have a great day/evening and I love you all
Kisses Leah🤍

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