Chapter 1: Sacrifice

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Lucina gulped as the messenger arrived with the terms demanded by the Fell Dragon Grima. She had not been looking forward to what his response might be, would the messenger have survived his ordeal...well at least the man looked to be in one piece. "Your Grace." He bowed stiffly, "The Dragon has agreed to meet at the border."

The words should have given her relief but the man's tone did not bode well, "So he's agreed to our terms?" She asked,

"No Your Grace." Lucina winced. "He refused to accept the offer laid out by Lady Tiki."

The woman in question frowned,

"Do you have any idea why that might be?" She asked

"He would not say Milady." The man said wincing and Lucina frowned,

"Are you unharmed?" She asked seriously,

"I will be fine." The man said, and Tiki frowned,

"A hex?!" She cried,

"Merely one that would kill me should I be lying." The messenger said, "The Dragon's worse than Old Sir Frederick ever was."

"Then why has he agreed to meet us at the border?" Lucina asked and the messenger sighed,

"To deliver his command." The man said quietly. Lucina frowned. True Ylisse wasn't in a position to repel Grima should he chose to attack but she was certain that they'd be able to call upon Naga's power to protect them. She looked to Tiki and the Manakete frowned,

"This is not good news." Tiki noted, "If he will not take me then what does he really want to have? We have nothing left to sacrifice."

Lucina wasn't sure that was entirely true but she kept her mouth closed and said nothing. She would go to see what it was the Fell Dragon really wanted. It would be the first time that she'd ever seen the Fell Dragon. She heard that he was an unnatural being, he could take either human or dragon form though most had only seen him in his dragon form, there were whispers about what his human form looked like. Snow white hair, and crimson eyes. That was all she'd ever heard about the Fell Dragon's human form. His dragon form was more familiar to her having heard about it from the time she was a small girl on her father's knee. His head had three sets of crimson orbs for eyes, horns on either side of it, large jaws with an almost crocodile-like teeth. Three sets of wings and thick scales that was his armour. He was said to be twice the size of Ylisstol Palace and could lay ruin to the entire continent if he wanted to. Lucina shivered. Tomorrow she would leave the palace for the first time in her life without a guard. Well without the army at her side. Only those left of her father's Shepherds would be with her. Her younger brother Brady came to stand beside her,

"Are ya sure abou' this Luce?" He said,

"I am." She said calmly,

"This ain't gonna be a good thin'." Brady said concerned, "We ain't got no leads on th' gemstones an' ya still wanna have us go after 'em?"

"Yes." Lucina replied, "I can see no other option than to appeal to Naga directly."

"Alrigh' then. We'll be off and split at th' border."

"Naga give us strength." Lucina prayed.

The journey was quiet as she made her way through the last few trees. The air was oppressive and Lucina was trying to quash her fear. She'd only just left Cynthia's group at the appointed first split and she was praying with each step that she took that they would succeed in their task. Laurent was at her side, "Are you assured with respect to our prevailing course of operation?" He asked, "Gerome, Severa and I would be more than delighted to stay with you when you-"

"Do as I ask and be ready for the next split." Lucina said firmly a faint sob cutting her voice out.

"Very well." He spoke with a sigh. Lucina had planned for it to be just her and Tiki with Severa and Inigo. More than enough to deal with Grima...right? She was beginning to doubt that course of action but she couldn't go back now. It was after all not a battle that they were going for.

Three hours of walking and Brady's group was the next to split off. Laurent was with Lucina's little brother and she felt her heart grow heavier with each step that she took away from them. She had feelings for Laurent once. But that was never to be now. She had to focus on her duties as an Exalt above her own desires. Three more hours and Gerome's group left and now it was just Tiki, Lucina, Severa and Inigo. They were almost there. The first thing that she noticed was that it was quiet. Too quiet. "Inigo, Severa, take point." Lucina said quickly as she felt something was wrong. "NOW!"

And like that Risen came out of nowhere and then the chaos started for real.

Lucina gasped as her comrades fell and she knew she was going to be next when a figure lept in front of her. The coat made her pause, "Who-!" She barely got out when whoever it was laughed,

"How wonderful." The voice said amused, "So my risen weren't lying to me. How cute, I have you right where I want you, even better. Now those wretched brats won't be able to call Naga. Truly perfect."

Then Lucina's world went black.

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