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When they talk she used to fantasy about him, maybe inconsistently she changed his aspect or personality.

I think that happen not intentionally but she only knew him through a cellphone screen and sometimes she just had a fake image of him in her head.

When they were sending pictures to each other she only sent him pictures that she look stunning because she want to look pretty to him and when he sent a picture of him back that was not what she imagine.

Maybe she was the problem because she had too high standards but how she was suppose to fix that?

She liked how he looks but her mind wanted something more, maybe she thought she deserved more or maybe she imagine more or maybe he just wasn't her type, she doesn't know.

Although she keep talking to him because ... I don't know maybe she love the attention and the love she received or maybe deep down she like him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2021 ⏰

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