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"How sad it is for children to fight the war of gods."

The voice rang loudly amongst the defeaning silence.

'How did things end up like this... ?' I questioned myself as i look down into my arms. There lay a woman with bright pink hair, Keyla, now stained with crimson red.

My arms tightened around her form, but no matter how hard i prayed, she still wasn't breathing. I knelt there unmoving while the bodies of my fallen comrades strewed across the hall.

I look up to the creature standing in front of me. Its shadowy figure swayed in the wind. On its face is a sickening smile that never left.

'Has God forsaken us ?'


The sun shines brightly today with no clouds to cover it. A perfect day to go out and see the world. But for me, today is going to be a one-of-a-kind day. My goddess will be giving me an important task. With this, I will be able to leave the church and prove myself.

"Good morning, Sir Paladin. May the blessings of the light be with you."

"Ah yes, good morning, Cardinal. May the blessings of the light be with you. And If I may ask, where is Miss Keyla ?" questioned the paladin.

"The Saintess is already waiting for you in the prayer room," answered the Cardinal.

"Then I shall be on my way. I don't want to keep her waiting. I bid my goodbye, Cardinal," said the Paladin as he walked away.

The Paladin, Carlos Avenue, walked hurriedly along the corridors of the church. Soon, he was already in front of the doors to the prayer room. He pushed the doors lightly. Inside was Keyla, the Saintess of the Church of Light.

"Took you long enough. Did you fall asleep on your way here ?" Mocked Keyla.

"Haha... very funny Keyla," he wasn't very amused by her remark.

The both of them stood in front of a giant statue depicting a beautiful woman. She was the Goddess of Light, Fallacia. They both kneeled and took a praying stance as God's voice rang inside their heads.

"My children, you have both grown astoundingly over the years that I have watched you. But now is the time for you to prove yourself worthy of the titles bestowed upon you. Go and slay the dark monster lurking in the shadows. Bring back glory to the Church of Light. Let my name be known across the continent." The Goddess's voice rang ethereal and mighty, making anyone who heard her bow down in submission.

"Certainly, my Goddess. We shall do your will as your faithful children. Let our humble beings have the honor to spread your name and be of use to you." Both of them responded.

They ended their prayers as they stood up. They looked at each other and smiled.

"Looks like we're finally going out of the church," said Keyla with a big smile on her face.

"Yeah, I can't even remember the last time I went out of the church. They never let us out before we complete our training," responded Carlos.

"I know, but now we can go out and see the world. Exactly like what we dreamed of since we were little."

"I've been waiting for so long for this opportunity. So let's not screw this thing up, shall we ?" Says Carlos with a grin on his face.

"Of course. Even if we screw this up, it will be because of you, not me."

"Don't worry. I prepared a lot for this. I won't screw it up."

"Well, we'll see," uttered Keyla with a look of disbelief on her face.

"Hey, why can't you have any faith in me ?" Irked Carlos.

"Do I need to answer that when you already know the answer ?" Now it was her turn to have a grin on her face.

As she said that, she walked out of the prayer room, leaving Carlos all alone.

It was the beginning of their quest to find and kill the dark monster.

So naive and ignorant. Carlos and Keyla prepared for the journey with excitement and curiosity, not knowing the thorny path full of bloodshed and tears ahead.

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