Fresh Start Fanfic

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Chapter 1

My life was simple, nothing too glamorous. I was quiet and hardly stood out in a crowd. I recently graduated from high school and I was preparing to start college. I decided I wanted to get as far from my problems and move to start fresh. I was moving from my small town home in Georgia to Raleigh, North Carolina to join the Wolf Pack at North Carolina State.


As I walked of the plane I breathed in a breath of fresh air and vowed that I would make something of my new life here in Raleigh, North Carolina.

“Kim!!!!” I hear being yelled. I turn and see my best friend Carrie waiting to pick me up and take us to our apartment that we will be sharing. Carrie had moved to Raleigh a few years ago, so I was glad we had kept in touch and could now room together!

As we pulled up to our apartment the excitement hit me all over again and I was pumped to start unpacking. I opened the door to the apartment and ran to the biggest room to claim it first; hey I was still a kid at heart! Carrie and I spent the next two or so hours unpacking until we realized we had skipped lunch throughout all the excitement.

“So what’s good to eat here?” I asked Carrie. “Well, we could walk around campus and go to Chik-Fil-A.” “Yessss! I love chicken!” I mean what Southern girl doesn’t like chicken?

Fifteen minutes later we had finally reached our destination: Chik-Fil-A. As we were walking to the counter to order, I glanced up and noticed a table of four boys who appeared our age. They were the first boys I have really noticed since moving here and they weren’t too bad on the eyes! We ordered our chicken sandwiches, waffle fries, and sweet tea and went to pick out a table. We sat down and I realized I had forgotten ranch, so I got up and went to get some.

I was looking at my phone not paying attention to where I was walking when I ran into somebody and was suddenly covered with their sweet tea. I heard a deep voice speak “Uh oh, I am so sorry. Let me help you clean up” “Don’t worry about it” I say as I finally look up to see who had spilt their tea on me. I was met with piercing blue eyes, you realize he was one of the four boys you first noticed when you walked in.

Chapter 2

“Wow” was all I could say. “What was that” the deep voice spoke again. Dang Kim why did you say that out loud? “Oh nothing, just call me a klutz” “Well klutz, my name is Scotty.” Holy moly! Scotty? As in Scotty McCreery? American Idol winner? Country Music singer? Way to go Kim, you made a fool of yourself in front of the first celebrity you meet. Snap out of it and say something before you scare him off!!!! “Oh, well hate break it to you but my name isn’t klutz” “Oh it isn’t is it” Is he flirting with me??? “Nope I got tired of that name and decided to change it awhile back.” I say with a smile. “Well then what would your name happen to be then?” “It’s Kim.”

We were interrupted by Carrie rushing over to me to figure out what was wrong. “Kim… What have you gotten yourself into this time?” “Oh you know just being my klutzy self and running into random people making a fool of myself. Nothing new!” “Oh hey Carrie” you hear Scotty say. “Wait, you two know each other?” “Yeah we graduated together.” Carrie said.

“McCreery, what is taking so long?” you hear as you see another one of the four boys walk towards y’all. “Well, the gentleman I am just spilt sweet tea all over this lovely lady right here. Nothing new!” “What are we gonna do with you McCreery?” his friend asked. Y’all laughed. By now you had already dried of as much as you could and you decided it was time to head home so you could change. “Well I guess we better get going.” You say to the two boys. “Yeah, it was nice meeting you Kim, hopefully I’ll see you around” Scotty says. “For sure.”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2013 ⏰

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