How to know someone's cheating on you

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I know this cause my friends had a lot of boy/girlfriends and it was weird

-if they leave and tell you they're hanging out wit de bois or something and they go out wearing something that looks like a girl would think it's hot

- if they leave in something and come back in something else like changing there pants for instance 

- if they say 'I'm hanging out with this girl I met from k-12' 

- when he doesn't stay home often (probably)

-when it's late and they came home at 5 in the morning (just assuming it's happened)

That's the only things I got from this guy that cheated on my bestie! He would do these things and I would always assume he was with a girl aka his girlfriend he cheated on my friend with and I was right because boys are sometimes weirdos but not all of them 

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