Whoa XJEanx

105 3 2

Lilchillymint: Hello and its your best friend here so lets get started SO yah  

Littleskittle8: Toby can you (dhjvfjhdghjffff translation: speak like this?)

TT: well...(gjjrwgnmokgtgvgdgihguhbvsar translation: yes yes I can now where's my waffles)

Lilchillymint: okay then...

Littleskittle8: and steve you better answer the question or*pulls out a random ender drAgon* your f***ing dead

Steve:*looks Around with watery eyes*Hes on holiday but I wasn't aloud to say where or I'll be XP

littleskittle8: well you are if you dont tell me!

Steve: I surrender he's in Italy on minecraft*in a very small voice*please dont hurt me

Littleskittle8: Fine

Lilchillymint:ok *walks in eating skittles*oh...

Littleskittle8:*attacks lilchillymint*


Steve: well there's one more question and its for Jeffers (littleskittle8: I dare you to eat splendors special cake sorry splendor)

Jeffery: cant wait and I know what you're doing lilchillymint AND ITS NOT HELPING!
Lilchillymint and littleskittle8: okay okay tag no your it no ugh hmm tobys it!

TT: gjgghjvfrt (translation: nurhh come back

Jeffrey: still doing it(lilchillymint: yup) fine *stuffs cake in yours and his face*

Splendor: :( how could you my little emo cupcake!

Jeffrey: im not Emo!!

Lilchillymint , TT, steve and littleskittle8: bye!!!

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