chapter 15

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there is big bunglow shown surrounded by snow its like its some
silent area

there is big bunglow shown surrounded by snow its like its some silent area

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we can see a girl is lying in roon unconscious ...seems like she is having
a good sleep when suddenly a door open and a man enter and look at that girl and caress her hair "Ragini wake up"sam said ...yes the girl is ragini and the man is sam ..sam sighh and get out of room
after sometime ragini come in sense and look around to find a strange place "where am i "she murmured and fear occupy her hert ...she silently stand up and walk toward gate ...she try to open it but its locked "what the hell"her heart beat increased ..she is here in strange place someone kidnap her but why ..maybe they want to kill her ...ragini thought started to make her breath fast ..suddenly she listen some footstep and heart beat increase more she dont want to die ...she look around and take a vase and stand just side the door...she hold vase tightly as door open ragini close her eyes and about to hit the person when that person hold her hand "scared kitten"sam said in amused and ragini inmedietly open her eyes and find sam ...she sigh in relief ...but suddenly something strike her "whattt the helll"she scream and started to hit him with her hand "where i am "she said hitting which have no effect on him ,he hold her hand and lift her in arms "cmon be calm u are safe "sam said casually placing her on bed "youuu"ragini said and throw the vase at him "u bloody jerk...bastard "ragini curse him and sam get shocked as he never seen her using this type of words ..he smile "awwwww"he said and this time ragini get shocked he mad or have some mental problem .here he kidnaped me and saying awwww
"eat"sam said passing her a plate of food but ragini turn her face "i want answer why u kidnaped me it was my engagement and u spoiled it "ragini said in anger "ok fine listen there is no chance i am going to see u getting engaged with him as i already said u are mine "sam said smiling brightly
"are u nuts who told u i am yours i have fiancee and you have a girlfriend and u dont have right to do this ....i will surely file a complain against u ..u jerk "ragini scream and sam roll his eyes he want to say that he doesnt have any gf but he want to play with her
"so what if i have gf i can have two isnt it "sam said and ragini anger reach to it peak "u think i am some cheap girl ...u bloddy ..."ragini is intrupted as sam put a spoon in her mouth ..ragini want to throw it out but she is hungry and to fight with him she needs energy .........
"where i am "ragini asked sternly
sam goes close to her and whisper
"very far from others  where no one can disturb us "sam said and ragini cough he smirk and leave
here ragini get up and look around and find window she look toward it but nothing is there except snow "where i am stuck "she murmmer
she try to open the window but its lock "bhai bhabhi must be worried i have to get out from here any how "ragini said in determined tone and look around anaylising the room she again here foot step and she immedietly run toward bed and start eating her food and act normal
"be a good girl love "sam scream from outside and ragini make face
"good girl my foot "ragini murmer and start earing food ignoring him

guys chapter done
sorry for shor update as i have really bad headache and i am not able to write because of that but as i promise that i am free and i will update so i am updating
really sorry yaar

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byee take care ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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