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As a girl you will always feel like u need to be loved and cared for like you need some attention but not too much that can be considered as an attention seeker.. But I always admire girls who can stand up for themselves be strong and independent like stand on their own feet.. I always wish I was one...But no matter how strong or powerful we are we still need someone to be at our back supporting us and giving their love to us because at the end of the day we are still humans.
As a human we are fated to be with someone because we are too weak to be on our own not the independent kind of way but it's more of like a friend, a best friend or even a life partner.

We were best friend since we are about 7 years old.. We lived not far from each other like we are living opposites of each other. We shared our secrets and promise not to tell anyone.. Wherever we go we will go together and we know each other more than we know ourselves.. Everything was great until you didn't told me that you were suffering from a sickness that cause your life.. When I found out it's too late cause your gone... How am I going to live with that? You're my best friend and now you're gone... At that moment, I realise that I have fall in love with you but now's too late... Sometimes the best things in life is right under your nose but you just don't realise it..When you're gone, it is as if I lost one of my wings and due to that I cannot fly anymore... well that's how I'm feeling now.. Sometimes I hate you for not telling me like why do you have to keep such a big secret from me like why? We have already promised each other that we will tell everything and now what? You broke the promise??? Even how angry or mad I am at you there's no use.. YOU'RE GONE...

It's been hard to live nowadays, now that you are gone... I basically has no one to talk to like share my problems , even if there is I'm not sure if they understand me as much as you do.. I miss you... but I know that whatever I do or no matter how long I wait or wish I know that you won't come back.. of course you won't come back silly me.. I know that I have to overcome my grief and start a new life like get over you.. people say the dead will remain the dead and the ones who are alive have to move on with life.. well that's logic isn't it?

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