All Of Me

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Present Day --

You sit on the couch with a frown on your face. The record player on the table next to you plays "Why Try To Change Me Now" by Frank Sinatra.

"You know I'll love you till the moon's upside down
Don't you remember I was always your clown
Why try to change me now?"

You groan and cry out "I want to be Frank Sinatra's clown!"

You stand up in frustration to change the record. You ruffle through all your albums, but all you have is Frank Sinatra and some Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Jr. music.

You decide to put on a different Sinatra record.

As you're listening to the song "All of Me" you start singing along too.

Towards the end of the song you belt out "why not take all of me!" while wishing Frank could take all of you.

Immediately your record screeches to a halt, and starts to the play the song backwards. The song, still playing backwards, speeds up faster and faster.

The room starts spinning. Your head hurts and you start to feel nauseous. You feel a strange wind around you, and then all of a sudden everything stops.

You look up and realize you're lying on the ground. You sit up and look down at yourself to make sure you're okay. Somehow, you're wearing a beautiful, yet casual swing dress.

You look up and start to panic. You quickly stand up and walk straight through the crowded street, staring wide-eyed at everybody around you. They look like they're from the late '50s or early '60s.

As you're walking down the street, you look up and gasp out loud. The Sands Hotel is right in front of you. Naturally, you enter the building.

You think to yourself, 'it's pretty crowded for... what time is it anyway?'

"Sir, could please tell me what time it is?"

He responds "2:10pm."

"Thank you kindly." As you walk away you think "Kindly? Do they even say that here? I mean back then? Wait, now I'm confusing myself."

You wander around until you find that door in Ocean's 11 that leads to a backstage area. You turn the handle and slip inside.

The room is empty.

You wander around looking at the walls, the piano in the corner, basically every detail of the place.

As you're examining the piano, you hear voices coming closer and start to freak out. Your only option is to hide under the piano because you were frozen for too long hoping for one of those voices to be Frank Sinatra's.

From under the piano you see two pairs of shoes get closer and closer.

"I never told you to kick him out!"

"But you never said I couldn't."

"That doesn't mean you should, Dino!"

"How was I supposed to know? Last week at dinner you told me about--"

"Dino, everything is fine. Please ask before you throw someone out next time."

"Okay, boss."

Someone sits down at the piano. You stare closely and assume it's Frank Sinatra. The man sitting down has smaller feet that the man standing up.

The man at the piano starts playing the intro to "The Lady is a Tramp."

You hear Frank's voice. He is the one sitting at the piano. Shortly after, Dean joins him singing "that's why the lady is a tramp."

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