Chapter 16

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Few days later

Rebekah dialed Elena's number she knew with everything going on everyone was going through a lot of emotions. And she wanted to make sure that her brother hadn't decided to kill his daughter for her boyfriend.  "Hello."

"Is my brother there."

"yes." Elena was happy that him and Aria had talked and that he hadn't decided to go after her boyfriend.

"He didn't kill Aria right." She had to make sure that her niece hadn't gotten into to much trouble. 

"No, he did not." Elena wouldn't let him he could be mad all he wanted that was off the table. 


Elena had to ask she knew if her niece told Kol about Aria's boyfriend she had a reason. She wouldn't just betray her like that. "Why did she do it?"

"Someone threatened her." Rebekah knew that her daughter hadn't had a choice but to do it. She couldn't blame her for it.

"What?" She knew someone had tried to threaten Emily and Hope and she hated that it was happening to others. "Someone threatened Emily too."

"What?" Rebekah didn't understand why someone was doing this to the girls they didn't deserve it. She knew they had already been through enough. 

She knew that it was time for more people to find out. She wasn't ready for anyone else to get hurt because of it. "Apparently Emily knows me and your brother got married ."

"You two got married." Rebekah was happy they were happy she knew they would find their way back to each other.

"Yes we did i went over and talked to her about it." Elena knew the girls didn't deserve to live in fear forever.

Rebekah knew it was time for them to act they couldn't just not do anything.  "Someone was threatening the girls before they were born when they were in Rosewood we need to put an end to them now."

"I know apparently they are a powerful witch which means we need to all come together so we can figure something out. It's probably your mother to be honest. "

Elena walked into her house not seeing or hearing any of the girls. "Mona Aria Stefanie." She went to look for them not finding any of them.
Katherine walked into her house heading up to Spencer's room she knocked on the door getting no response. "Spence can we talk." No answer. She knew her daughter was probably upset because of how she had acted earlier.  "Spence." She opened the door seeing the room empty. She pulled out her phone dialing her daughter. "I'm gonna kill this girl." The ringing stopped she was passed she didn't like that her daughter had just up and disappeared.  "Where the hell are you?"

"Did you misplace your daughter?"

Katherine stopped recognizing the voice immediately. It was Esther Mikaelson their mother who had been after the girls for years. "Esther you took Spencer."

"Spencer Mona Aria and Stefanie oh and Alison can't forget the daughter from my bastard son."

Katherine scoffed she couldn't believe she was still coming after the girls. She didn't get why she couldn't just leave her alone. "Couldn't get the entire set of Liars I'm guessing." 

"Jeremy is a member of the five he also hasn't left his daughter's side since the message that led her to tell Kol about Aria's boyfriend. And Bonnie well she's a Bennett witch." Esther knew to pick and choose her battles so she had chosen the ones she knew she would win. 

"So messing with the doppelgangers and your hybrid son were the better options." Katherine knew they had been her only options they were the only ones she could get to.

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