Chapter 19

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"Let me out" Anastasia shouted. Her hands gripped around the small bars on the window of the basement in the Salvatore house. "There's vervain here and I'm not happy about it" she wriggled the door again, losing her strength every minute.

"Sorry about this Anna" Stefan appeared "we just need to make sure you're okay with the blood lust and everything"

"And I suppose it was your idea and everything?" She shouted to Elijah, who was stood behind Stefan

"I apologise" he nodded his head slowly "I only care for your well being and when I saw that part of you yesterday, it made me fear that you lost yourself"

"The ripper" she informed him "that's what everyone calls it isn't it? But the thing is Elijah and Stefan, do I look like a ripper to you? Over these weeks when I've been breathing, how many times have I lost control?" She argued, thinking she could convince them to let her out

"You've only kept control when someone has been with you" Stefan retaliated

"Correction, I've only lost control when I've been upset" she flashed a look to Elijah "and there's only really one person who has caused this isn't there Elijah?"

Elijah stood with his arms folded, he kept his words in and stood in silence.

"Look, I don't care what Elijah did to you those years ago and you shouldn't either, that was like 500 years ago" Damon rolled his eyes when we came down the stairs. Obviously listening to the conversation.

"Well you've obviously never been in love the way I was" She huffed, crossing her arms

"Oh I beg to differ" Damon smiled "Elijah knew her as Katerina and we knew her as Katherine, she looked a lot like Elena" Damon winked

"Where is Katherine now?" Anastasia unintentionally ignored the fact that Elijah had known her and dove straight into asking about where she was

"She's in the tomb" Stefan interrupted "where she needs to be for the time being"

"Oh yes, you told me about the tomb" Anastasia remembered. "what happened to her?"

"Nothing happened to her" Damon begun "she made both of us fall in love with her at the same time, before faking her death and escaping in 1864, I spend my entire vampire life trying to get her out of that freaking tomb to only find out she wasn't in there!" Damon quickly explained

"I can tell her emotions aren't off, but somehow she acts like they are, she is a stone cold bi..." Damon began

"Thats enough Damon" Stefan interrupted. Anastasia stood quietly for a moment, if she can get to Katherine, then maybe she could learn a few things about emotions and not showing them.

She knew where the tomb was, but she didn't know how to get out of the vervain struck basement.

She brushed the trio off and went to sit down without a word to them. Giving them a signal to go away, which they did. Except for Elijah.

"Go away" she spat

"Come one Anastasia, it's for the best" he tried to console her

"It's for the best? I'm trapped in a vervain filled basement, I'm hungry and I'm bored" she retorted.

Anastasia was very innocent at heart. But since becoming a vampire, she has considered doing things to get her own way. She knows how to manipulate people so she can get what she wants; but she has never tried it before. "Maybe a board game?" She forced a laugh and made Elijah think she was genuine "or some company?"

"If you're thinking that I'm going in there with all of that vervain, you should reconsider" he laughed

"Well compel someone to get it out" she suggested. Standing up and walking to the door "please Elijah, I'm really lonely" she have him her best puppy dog eyes and got as close as she could to him.

Elijah didn't say anything. She only saw him roll his eyes and hear the sound of an opening door to which she smiled and sat down. "Sit" she smiled, and he sat next to her

She felt bad about what she thought she could do. She actually spent the next few silent minutes contemplating it.

"So what do you want to do?" He asked, feeling weakened by the vervain already.

Anastasia placed both hands on his cheeks, making him face her. Her face closed in on his, close enough to kiss him, but that wasn't her intentions.

She felt the urge to bring him closer in and forgive him for what he had done. But instead of bringing him closer, she reached up me closed her lips on his forehead.

"I'm sorry" she pressed her lips together, causing Elijah to question why she apologised. And with that, her hands flicked and his neck snapped.

"I'm really sorry" she kept repeating as she dragged Elijah out of the vervain filled room and laid him on the sofa before she stepped out of the house, in search of the tomb.

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