I- Sakura Aimi

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Konnichiwa minna-san, what could I say?
So this is my first story so hope you read all the way to the end.
Aimi woke up in the morning and then she remembered something...

Wait today's Monday, then she turned at the alarm clock. Oh no it is 7:00, my class starts at 7:30, ahhhhhh!!!

She hurriedly changed her clothes to her uniform. Then while getting her bag she take one last look at the mirror. Then her mother is calling her.

"Sweetie, are you up yet?" Mother calling her

"I'm up, I'm up!" Aimi answered

While going down to the table, Aimi asked her mother.

"Mom why didn't you wake me up, I'm going to be late at school!" Aimi said

"Sorry dear I thought you are already awake, don't be mad" mother said

"No time to eat breakfast, gotta run." Aimi said while going out the door

When she is already in school, she went in to her classroom and tried to sneak inside so her teacher won't see her. But it's no use her teacher saw her.

"Miss Sakura why are you late again?" Nakamura-sensei asked

"Gomen sensei, I just overslept." Aimi answered

"Go the office, and get a tardiness slip." Nakamura-sensei said

"Hai, sensei." Aimi answered

Lunch time
"Why are you late again Aimi-chan?" Tanaka Ayano asked

Tanaka Ayano is Aimi's friend, they walk home together, but they're homes are far apart.

"I slept late last night, because I thought today is Sunday." Aimi said embarrassed

"Oh Aimi you never change." Ayano said

Dismissal time
"Can we go home together Aimi-chan?" Ayano asked

"Why not Ayano? C'mon let's go." Aimi said

Then when they reached the street where Ayano lives, they said goodbye to each other. Aimi went by herself and she is thinking.

After a few weeks it will be vacation. What could I do in vacation? Hangout with my friends, shop, family bonding, I just don't know.

Last day of school
The class are 50% happy and 50% sad. They are happy because they would have vacation but sad because they would miss they're teachers and classmates.

Then Aimi and Ayano have there last walk to there home.

"So let's just be connected to each other Aimi-chan." Ayano said

"Yeah, we will always be BFF's." Aimi said

"Ok, so bye see you in April." Ayano said looking down

"Don't worry will see each other again." Aimi comforting Ayano

"Bye bye." Ayano said
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