Chapter 14: Crazy Sexy Cool

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Donghyun turned off the television and threw the remote onto the other side of the couch.

What was he even thinking these days?

Filming of A Song of Coffee and Cake had wrapped almost a month ago. The last episode had aired on TV, too, to roaring success.

The main cast of the series was still making the rounds in talk shows – Donghyun was thankfully not part of them.

But Sungmin was.

Yun fucking Sungmin.

Annoyingly handsome, disconcertingly brilliant actor Yun Sungmin.

As much as Donghyun didn't want to, his mind kept returning to that conversation... everything that had come to light that morning in that playground.

Initially, he had thought that he would have to be careful and give Sungmin room to process things, since he had been the one with the larger-than-life crush on a phantom.

But by all accounts, Sungmin was doing just fine.

They were still playing Sacred Flames together, and to Donghyun's surprise, it didn't feel too different, knowing who was actually behind Tinkerbell.

It was as if nothing had happened between them.

For a while, Donghyun had thought that his problem was Tinkerbell, the cute fairy avatar with the high-pitched voice. He had tried to convince himself that it wasn't actually Sungmin he was thinking about, he just really liked Tinkerbell.

The pretty fairy with Sungmin's personality.

Unfortunately, that theory started to get bigger and bigger holes, the more Sungmin appeared in TV talkshows, and Donghyun found himself glued to the screen, hanging on his lips.

He was so charming.

No wonder he now had hordes of fangirls screaming their lungs out for him. Sungmin felt so real. Like what he showed on TV wasn't a carefully fabricated persona, it was him, his authentic self.

Of course, Donghyun knew about the depths, the parts that were not shown – but even to him, it didn't feel like Sungmin was hiding something. It had bothered him enough that he had reluctantly asked Yeeun about it.

Luckily, she hadn't found it weird that he would inquire after Sungmin – she had probably thought he was just curious because they were still partners in the game.

In any case, she happily answered his question. She said she had a theory, about Sungmin. That he had managed to compartmentalise his life neatly, so that he could show an authentic facet of himself in different situations, without ever having to pretend to be something he was not.

Like someone who had perfected the art of method acting.

And then, she had casually listed off the different facets of Sungmin that she knew: slacker, gamer, weekend persona, and now lead actor.

Weekend persona.

Donghyun could guess what kind of persona this was. And he couldn't stop thinking about it, about what Sungmin's weekend persona might look like.

He wanted to meet him.

Donghyun was crazy, and he wanted to see Sungmin's weekend persona.

The weekend persona, who frequented gay bars.

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