Chapter 6: Confused

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     Chris :

During 6th period, a million questions ran through my head.

  Why did Sam look scared for a second when I was telling John off?

Why did she act like she doesnt know about the Moonlight pack?

I could clearly smell the wolf in her, yet she denied all ties to my pack.

  She wasn't a rouge, I'd be able to smell it.

Something was off here.

"Yo the bell rang" Don slapped me on the back.

  I gathered my things and we started walking to 7th period.

"Are you okay you seem off?" I shook my head and just walked in, leaving Don standing alone.

  I didn't mean to be rude but I was so confused right now.

  The first thing I noticed was her distance.

My wolf whined at having her so far.

  I stood back, waiting for everyone to enter before I walked in with Don.

  I sat down, and looked at the board.
"Class today you will do an experiment, if you are having trouble don't hesitate to come and ask."

Mrs. Spencer spoke up.
"Record your observations, and you may begin. The kits are in the back of the room and don't forget safety."

I got up and got the goggles as Sam got the kit.

  I handed her a pair of goggles, our fingers touching. Our eyes met briefly befor she looked away quickly biting her lip.

I stared at her a moment before spreading out the kit which consisted of a tube rack, two tubes.

   Plus a bottle of liquid and two tablets that looked suspiciously like mentos.

"It says pour 5 mL of the clear liquid into a tube." Sam spoke softly.

  I looked over, my lip quirked up when I saw her hair sticking up.

  She looked so cute.

"Are you going to pour it or not?" Her lips pursed in annoyance.

My wolf purred liking her feisty side, me not so much.

I poured the liquid carefully into both tubes.

"Now drop the tablets into the liquid at the same time and record what happens."

  But instead of looking at the experiment I observed her.

  Her tongue stuck out of her mouth in concentration, as she jotted things down.

She was so beautiful, how had I never noticed her before?

"She's trying to be invisible" My wolf whispered.

  But why was the question.
"Why do you keep looking at me?" Her lips thinned in annoyance.
"Your hairs sticking up" I smirked.

I watched as she patted random spots missing the right area.

   I couldn't resist reaching my hand over and fixing the piece behind her ear.

She flinched away from my touch and I winced, hurt.

Just as I was about to apologize, Mrs.S interrupted me.
"Clean up class and turn in your papers before we discuss this little fun experiment."

  I scribbled a few things down before packing up.

  I put up the kit while Sam turned in the papers.

The bell rang soon after and I watched as I she ran out of the room.

  Great! I cursed softly.

Don waited for me as I gathered my things

  We were walking in silence when I finally spoke up.

"What do you think about Sam?" I felt Don stare at me for a couple seconds before replying.

  "What do you mean?" I sighed and opened the front doors leading to the parking lot.
"Nevermind" Don walked in front of me looking my way.

"What's going on Chris you've been acting weird all day?"
  I didnt reply.
"What happened in there Chris?" He asked

   "What do you mean?" I frowned, looking at him quickly.

"When you..." He cleared his throat "touched her and she... you know..."

I stared at him for a while.
"So now your keeping tabs on me ?"

"Hey!" He put his hands up in surrender "I only noticed because I heard girls whispering about it."
  I let out a tired sigh.

"It's nothing"

Don rolled his eyes, but didn't ask anything more.

  For that I was thankful.

We made it to our cars, and I just stood there.

Don waited patiently, just like he always did.

  "Do you find something odd about her ?"
"Who?" Don asked confused as if forgetting who we were talking about.

"Sam" I said exasperated.

"Like the fact that she's fucking hot and shy ass hell?" He leaned against his Black Corvette.

  My wolf growled at the vile word but I controlled him.

  " don't know how to say it..."

Don smirked at him devilishly.
"For once your tongue tied about a girl, a human at that. I'd think she was your Mate but that's rare."

  " Human?"

The word caused my head to snap his way, my neck popping in the process.

"Yess" His face scrunched in confusion. I could see the look in his eyes. He thought I was having an episode. "Why?"

"Umm... " I opened my door "I'll talk to you later."

I got in and drove away not wanting to talk more about it.

  Why did he say human when she was clearly a wolf?

  Something was off here and I intended to find out.


No matter how much I was attracted to Chris, I knew I couldnt let my guard down.

  So when we got in class I tried keeping my distance. Not that it helped much, I could sense every movement he made just as if he were inches from me.

  When our fingers touched and I felt the same jolt, it took sheer will power to let his hand go.

There was never going to be a chance of him and I.

Not that he even wanted anything with me in the first place. He had made no move towards me that indicated he even liked me in that manner.

  I noticed the flash of hurt when I flinched away from his touch, but I only did it by instinct.

  I dont like people touching me, and it's hard wanting yet not wanting to touch Chris.

  My feelings were all jumbled and it all started when I met him.

My life was just getting more complicated and I didn't like it!


Sorry I haven't uploaded lately. I've been kinda busy


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