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Today was the first day of 8th Grade i was not happy that i had to go to school but i was also happy that next year I'm going to be in high school. But enough of that i got up and Took,a shower after i was done with my shower i got dressed.

After I was done getting dressed i want downstairs and i saw my mom making breakfast and my brother on his phone

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After I was done getting dressed i want downstairs and i saw my mom making breakfast and my brother on his phone.
Y/n: hola mamá que haces para el desayuno i said
( hi mom what are you making for breakfast)
Y/m: just some eggs and Bacon
Y/n: ok
Mattia: are you excited for your first day of 8th Grade
Y/n: yeah i am i'm just a little nervous
Y/m don't be ok you are going to do good ok she said with a smile on her face
Y/m: oh and your brother is taking you to school
Y/n ok? I said
After i was done eating breakfast me and mattia want to the car.
Mattia: hey you are going to do good on your first day ok? He said
Y/n: ok i well i said smiling at him?

Mattia: ok we are here do you want me to walk you and to your class or
Y/n: are you able to walk me to my class? I said
Mattia: yeah come on? He said as we got out of the car. We got in the school and there were kids staring because you know my brother is famous on this App called tiktok? But anyways we got to the Office?
mattia: hi i am just here for my sister so she gets her things for what class she has?
??: ok here it is
mattia: thank you and one more thing
??: yes
Mattia: am i able too walk my sister to her first class because she is kind of nervous
??: yeah that is fine? She said then me and mattia walk to my first class which is ELA ( idk i just came up with it) as me and mattia got to that class he knocked on the door because the door was closed. Then a teacher opened the door?
T: hi are you new
Y/n: umm yes i am new
T: oh and is this your dad or
Mattia: no i am her brother
T: oh ok well y/n if you want you can come in and take a Seat
Y/n: u-umm ok bye
Mattia: bye I will pick you up after school ok
Y/n: ok bye I said as I headed in the class room?
mattia: bye? He said as he left because he also has school so yeah.
T: ok guys we have a new student this is y/n.
( everyone = to e )
e: hi
T: ok y/n you can go sit by alessya
Y/n: ok? I said and I want to the Seat where the teacher say.
Ale: hi I am alessya
Y/n: hi I am y/n it is nice to meet you
Ale: same? She said smiling at me?

( 530)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2021 ⏰

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