The Tactician Realises

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With Robin's help it took much less time to get ready. The trip was quiet save for the chatter of most of the Shepherds who were talking about some big celebration that they were going to have when they all got back and Robin seemed not to want to talk to anyone much. At first Lucina didn't know why that might be the case but as the day progressed she noticed that Robin seemed sad. She frowned and wondered what she could do to help cheer the tactician up.


As the Shepherds pulled into a suitable camp site I hastened to at least do what I could to help. Most of them insisted that there was little I could do but I needed the distraction...badly. I almost didn't even realise that I had gone the direction that I had. Perhaps it was morbid curiosity, perhaps it was my desire just to be alone but whatever the reason I came across that field. I sighed inwardly and carefully kept an eye out for trouble. Seeing that there was none to be had I decided that I would simply sit and allow the breeze to wash over me for the time being and I paused as I remembered something very...very important.

"Robin run!" A female voice cried as the war cries got closer, "You have to run! Don't look back! Robin run!"

I was about to question that voice when I heard a sickening crunch and the wet sound of a blade piercing a body. I don't know why but I looked. I saw a woman locked in combat with a now dead bandit. She kicked the dead man off her sword and shoved me forwards, "DO AS I SAY AND RUN!"

"B-but Mama..."

"JUST RUN!" She yelled and I couldn't even bring myself not to obey. We ran. Her steps heavy and weak, her breathing laboured as she tried to guide us to a safe place. I couldn't help but notice all of the blood that was coming from what looked to be a wound on her side. I couldn't understand for the moment why she was in so much pain but then I realised that her health was dangerously low. I couldn't explain how I knew it but if she engaged another enemy she would die.

"Mama why?" I said once she slowed,

" must understand." She said grabbing both of my shoulders, "Those men are not just after me...they...they are after you. They were sent by your father who wants nothing more than to kill you."


"I'm sorry Robin I truly am." She looked like she was crying. The next thing I knew was subtle. I felt the world suddenly go dark...

When I first woke I was shocked, "MAMA! WHERE ARE YOU? MAMA?!"

"Heh, heh, foolish child, she's never coming back for you."
"Wh-who said that!" I said gripping my bronze sword and turning to see where the enemy was hiding. A wave of pain made me almost drop my weapon.

"I can be really daft sometimes," the voice sighed and I saw a man that looked His hair was curly just like mine, he was about the same height but his eyes were cold and cruel, "though I suppose she wasn't above abandoning me as soon as she got the chance. Damn bitch. No matter," the man said with a sadistic grin, "I found what I came for." The pain in my head reached a new level of intensity. "Once I have you I'll have this world!"

I screamed in pain. I felt suddenly very, very weak. The world became black...

"You're one of us Robin and no destiny is going to change that! Let's kill that bastard and be done with it!"


So much pain...why does it hurt so much...


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