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Thunder crackled in the night sky but I kept running and not looking back. Rain began pouring as I was soaked from head to toe. I turned a corner but realized it was nothing but a dead end. I turned around scared out of my mind as the guy with the knife laughed quietly to himself.
"Ain't got nowhere to run now Britannian scum bag,"
I shivered in fear as I slid down. A tear escaped my eye as I knew this was the end for me.
"Please I'll do anything you ask,"
"Oh don't worry sugar I'll have fun with you before I kill you,"
I screamed as he grabbed my arm roughly and hosted me up. He began laughing crazy as he ran the knife down my body.
"So beautiful," he said as he licked my cheek.
"Skin so soft,"
My eyes widened as I stopped focusing on the man and looked behind me. There stood Zero as he was standing a distance away out in the rain. The man must of noticed since he looked to see what I was looking at. He dropped my arm and pushed me to the ground.
Zero didn't say anything he just continued to stare dead at the man as he began to shiver. Zero's mask opened up only reveing his eye that was pink.
"NO ZERO WAIT!" The guy shouted as he tried to make Zero stop.
"I order you to kill yourself," he says as the guy salutes him and jabbed the knife through his own head.
My eyes widened in fear as Zero began to walk over towards me as I hadn't gotten up from my spot.
"Are you alright?" He asked handing a hand out for me to take.
I nodded as I took his hand.
"Please don't use that power to kill me,"
"I won't.... I promise you I won't I could never do that to you,"
I gasped as his arms wrapped around my back.
"I love you Ayumi Shinko,"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2015 ⏰

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