Chapter 1

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"Well, here we are, Jesse." Jesse could her mom say as they all arrived at the Wither Academy parking lot. "Wither Academy, the only place with a good rating and affordable prices that was also close to home."

Jesse left the car as her mom and dad unloaded the trunk of all her luggage. Which wasn't much, truth to be told, a suitcase of clothes and a suitcase of art supplies.

There she threw a look over the prestigious Wither Academy entrance.

At the top of the stairs was the entrance itself, a large wrought iron gate, standing strong between two stone pillars, imposing, a large metal arch standing on top of them, the Academy's emblem at the top of the arch.

And goodness gracious did it all look like shit. Rusted all over, the bars bent and broken, the pillars were cracked, crumbling and filled with graffiti, from the simple to the obscene. And more than that the emblem was in a dire need of a new paint job. The red, the yellow, the green and the blue were flaking so much that the symbols for the fours clubs were all but unreadable

Jesse couldn't help but grimace.

"Uh, mom...?"

"Oh, Jesse, we're so proud of you." Jesse wasn't able to say much, her mother hugged her tightly not a moment after. "Our little lady, such a good artist! Now entering one of the best art schools around."

"Make us proud Jesse!" Her dad joined in the hug. "Make us sure that our love for your art isn't just parental bias!"

"Thanks... Dad..."

Feeling as if they strung enough life out of Jesse, her parents let her go. Ah, much better now, much easier with her ribcage less constricted.

"Alright, I've left some money on the card, I've left you some cash, don't forget to call us when you have the time." Her mom grinned. "And if you're feeling lonely, Stella is at the same school too!"

Oh no... Jesse smiled outwards, a pained smile, but a smile nonetheless, while on the inside she despaired. Not Stella! Not again! As if it wasn't enough to be Stella's "rival" back at how, their "rivalry" had to continue here too?!

"That's... great... mom." She's gonna die here, isn't she?

"I'm glad to hear it, sweetie! Anyways, this is time for us to go now, you have fun!"

"And don't forget to call us!" Her dad added before climbing back into the car next to mom and driving away.

Jesse sighed and turned to look at the gates once again.

Oh yeah, she's absolutely gonna die here.


"Hey, kid, wanna buy some contraband!" There came a voice from within the bushes of the path to the main campus grounds. A voice soon followed by the source itself, a man with long, greasy hair and a crazed grin dressed in olive green robes.


And with that, the man received an answer.

A suitcase to the face.

The man fell like a sack of potatoes.

"Oh dear..." Jesse thinned her lip and stepped closer. Just a step, mind you.

Uh, she wasn't sure, but from the looks of it, the man was still breathing.

"Ivooooooor!" another voice came, this one from further ahead on the path. This one came from a redheaded man dressed in a nice tan suit. Well, a nice tan suit with splotches of black and purple paint. "Give back my vials!"

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