chapter 3

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Hueningkai never understood the appeal of tourism. While big monuments and dazzling shows were jaw-dropping. That's all they were... touristy. There was always too many people there making the trip to whichever stop, yes breathtaking, but also stifling.

So when the plane landed the next day at 2:00 in the afternoon, Kai wasted no time waking up Soobin.

"Soobin!! Wake up! We're here!" Kai exclaimed, shaking Soobin's shoulder slightly aggressively.

Soobin groaned and stretched. "Ugh, I'm up. Finally I'll be able to feel my legs again," Soobin said tiredly as he lazily smirked at Kai.

"You're lucky you got the aisle seat. Don't even talk," Kai retorted.

"Well I'm taller than you so I deserved the aisle seat," Soobin said slyly, happy to push Kai's buttons.

Kai's eyes opened wide in annoyance, "Soobin. We're literally almost the same height."

"Notice how you said 'almost'."

"Oh yeah? Well," Kai stuck his tongue out at Soobin.

"Wow, real mature," Soobin said while rolling his eyes with a smile, his eyes bright in mischief.

Soon enough, they were able to get into the aisle. Soobin grabbed both of their carry-ons and they began the slow walk to the Paris airport. Kai's excitement could hardly be contained. There was a bright smile on his face and sparkles in his eyes. His face read a paragraph of awe. He couldn't believe he was here.

"Close your mouth. You're gonna catch flies," Soobin teased.

"But Soobin! We are in Paris! Can you believe it?"

"Honestly, yes. It's not like we weren't on a 19 hour flight. Over an ocean."

Once they exited the terminal, they were on their way to the baggage claim.

"La livraison des bagages. Okay Soobin, we need to go this way," Kai inputted.

"Kai. The sign is also in English... so..."

"I like using my 'minor in French' skills to use."

"Neither of us have graduated yet, Kai."

"My point still stands!"

As they were walking to the baggage claim, the speaker would go off in French, then English. The people around them were rushing, like people at airports do. Once they arrived there, they grabbed their luggage (Kai vowed to never bring his light blue suitcase around Soobin ever again.) and started walking to the main exit.

Once they walked out the doors, Soobin looked around worriedly, "Kai, how do we get to the dorms again? Like do we take the metro or..."

"Did you even read the manual?" Kai asked incredulously, "What would you do without me? We take a taxi dummy. Can you imagine? We walk through the Paris metro system with my bright blue luggage."

The streets were bustling and smelled of smoke. The two boys stood on the sidewalk waiting for a taxi to arrive. When one finally did, they piled in together and quickly agreed to each pay half the fee.

The cloud-filtered daylight poured into the taxi windows. Kai looked out the window in awe. The iconic buildings were seemingly around every corner. Soon, it began to sprinkle painting the city of Paris with mid-day rain.

Soobin and Kai soon arrived at the dorms of Sorbonne.

"Merci," thanked Kai as he closed the taxi door.

The dorm building was quite plain compared to the rest of Paris. The building was a light tan, and it almost reminded Kai of home.

"Soobin, do you have the dorm information paper?" Kai asked.

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