harry kane - too lost

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it's been 2 days since i have seen my best friend and 3 hours since i seen my boyfriend it seems like harry my boyfriend seems to spend more time with his football then me well i mean that's what people think but they couldn't be more wrong it's a shock to people when they hear that the one and only harry Kane spends a lot more of his time on me then football it's seriously a dream come true he makes things for me so much better and makes me feel safe and happy.

Today was a big day for harry also for the country it was the semi finals and harry was under a lot of pressure they have made it this far harry was getting ready 'quietly' but he accidentally tripped over and woke me up which i didn't mind.

''oh shit'' i heard him curse under his breath 

''harry did you fall over did you want to wake me up so i can make you breakfast''

''no i didn't mean to wake you up princess i promise i know you won't go back to sleep and no i'll go cook breakfast''

''or how about i cook you fry up and we cuddle and watch an episode of teen wolf''

''sounds good like a plan''

i went downstairs to cook breakfast in only harry's football top which was like a dress on me. harry sat on the sofa then messaged the boys



''fried egg or scrambled'' 


i dished up the breakfast then took it into the front room i gave harry his food and his knife and fork i sat down and snuggled up next to him we then put on teen wolf then ate our food.

after we finished we went upstairs to get dressed i put on my kane 9 top on and a suttle bit of make up harry smiled at me but then took my lipstick.

''you won't need this''

''and why is that kano''

''because it will just get smudged''

he placed a gentle kiss on my cheek then got into his training gear 

''kano why is this so stressfull''

''whats so stressfull?''

i then looked down on my phone and saw a picture harry posted of me and him so i clicked on it then flicked through the comments and saw one .

''baby whats so stressfull''

i started to tear up 

''baby'' he ran over to me and held me what did i do to deserve this 

''why are you crying what's wrong?''

the hate is one of the hardest things for a wag i showed him and he read them 

'eww omg harry she better be at the game tonight i'll be glad to improve the little bitches face out'

'little slut better not put our boy kane of.'

'eww i dress better then that'

''harry im too lost''

''no bubs they are all haters who need to get their head and eyes checked, baby your not lost you have me so yes you are coming to tonights game but if any fans start i will be getting a match band''

i looked at harry 

''good thing my makeup is water proof ''

he smiled then off to training we went. when we got there all of the girlfriends were there i didn't go with them instead i stayed right next to harry he put me on his back and carried me around the pitch he ran with me and i felt so happy he was the best.

the time of the game was here and i was nervous for the boys but i was also scared am i gonna get hurt i sat in the players seats with them but was still scared but whats even worst was the fact that i got a message from the girl who had previously commented on the post harry had posted.

'so you showed up then abit bold of you im now going to show harry what a real women is.'

i started to cry foden,chilwell,winks,dele noticed and asked what was wrong i just cried more Gareth south gate came over asked what's wrong and i told him so just before half time he brought kane over to hug me and to calm  me down but i refused  when harry walked over i ran from him he looked at the sands then noticed he ran after me but it was no use i was hiding half time came and harry didn't seem himself and i walked through the door of the locker room at the right time everyone's eyes were on me including harry's.

''harry i'm so sor......''

''just shut up and kiss me'' he said he stood up i did as he said and kissed him 

''i'm just glad your safe''

''she's here''

''i know'' he hugged me closer 

harry explained to the team and they all hugged me to.

they promised to keep me safe and went out for the second half harry carried me on his back then kissed me i took my seat then chilled full time and England won they are going to the finals harry ran over to me and kissed me 

''your my lucky charm''

yes harry scored 

it ended 2-1 to us we were celebrating when kate came over to us and slapped harry how dare she.

''how dare you be happy with her''

'' kate touch my man again imma break ya bitch you hear me''

the team cheer then kate left .

for harry and me that's the best thing.

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