The Carnival Creature

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I was already freaked out at the carnival. The flashing lights, the noxious smells, the screams and laughter. It was all so overwhelming. And I wanted out. I tried to convince my friends that it was a bad idea to come here. It was old and the rides were rusty and most of them were broken.

"Guys, c'mon let's go home" I reasoned.

"You're chicken Alastor!" Freddy laughed at me and Allie shoved me in the shoulder. I shuddered as a cold breeze swept through the whole park. Allie and Freddy shivered too. "Guys I just think it's a bad idea, so let's just go home". I looked around, seeing clown games and stuffed animals that looked too real hanging off hooks as prizes. The tall, looming figure of the carnival wheel stood menacing in the centre of the park. "Let's at least go on the Ferris wheel" Allie pouted. Freddy nodded and wrapped his arm around her. I trailed behind. I made sure I didn't get lost in the crowd of people, that shoved, pushed and I felt someone grab my arm. When I looked in the direction of the grab, no one was looking at me. I figured it was just Allie or Freddy messing around. We made it to the Ferris wheel and surprisingly found it empty. Allie and Freddy hopped into one of the carts and I strayed behind. "Awww little Alastor is too chicken" Allie elbowed Freddy in the ribs to look at me. "Freddy?" She asked. "Guys we need to go!" Freddy said panicked, his voice cracking. "No way, now get on Alastor" Allie yanked me into the seat next to her. "No, we seriously have to go, get off," Freddy screamed. The ride jerked to life and started turning. The metal ground and screeched against itself. Freddy wouldn't calm down. I was beginning to panic and looked around for anyone who would stop the ride. No one was at the control booth. So who started the ride? I started sweating and my teeth chattered. The ride rose to the climax and it shuddered to a stop. "Why is the ride stopping?" I said as my voice cracked. I looked around frantically and in the shadows of one of the metal bars, sat a creature. Its long claws rested on the metal as it crouched. It had huge, glowing orange eyes and its body was ripped and covered with sores. "Would you like to play with me?" it croaked, looking at Allie. Allie's scream and a loud crack suddenly filled the air and I looked over. Allie was dead in the seat next to me, her neck twisted and contorted. I turned to look at the beast and it was now right in front of me. Its eyes stared into mine and its mouth twisted open into a horrifying smile. Black and red ooze dripped off its long teeth that were jagged and pushed together. "Would you like to play with me?" it asked again, now looking at Freddie. I gulped. Fear raced through my body and I swore my heart would come out of my throat. "Ala-" Freddie halfway got out before he was suddenly pushed out of his seat and off the ride. I heard the echo of his body hitting the ground, and his scream died down. "Would you like to play with me?" it leaned closer, now looking at me. 


This is the favourite horror story I've probably ever written.  I think I'll do a story, or try to get it on a creepypasta/horror story web. Any suggestions for a website? 

With writers kiss, ^w^ 

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