Chapter 29

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Here lies Alessandro Vitale  (2003-2021)

Brave fighter and loyal brother

Vitale means life, a painful irony since I'm the once standing here, my heart beating rapidly, looking at his grave stone.  But at the same time it makes perfect sense, that's exactly what he was. Life. He was full of it. Full of life. 

"Hey. I miss you. A lot. I miss you so much that sometimes I can't even breathe. But for the past few years I been able to breathe much more often, sometimes I feel guilty. Guilty that you're not the only thing on my mind at all times since you're the only reason I'm here today, but then I remember what you said. I can't break the Gabessandro code." I took in a deep breathe and looked at they sky. 

It was cloudy, barely any blue could be seen. Except for one spot. One break in clouds. One beam of light. Shining down on my beautiful family, standing eagerly behind me. "so, you are watching huh?" I chuckled, my eyes pricking with painful yet happy tears. 

"You told me to be happy. It took a while for me to figure out how I could do that without you. But I did and the people who helped me are standing right behind me. You also told me you wanted meet whoever made me truly happy, well, here they are" I turned around and gestured for my family to join me.

Briar had her long hair up in a messy bun atop her head and wore a black mini skirt, a baggy jumper and black knee high boots, Casper was on her hip as usual and Sophia was clutching Briar's hand that wasn't holding onto casper looking very intently at her uncles grave stone, Mia was behind them, wearing a pair of black jeans and a red top, cradling Issac in her arms. 

Slowly they ventured forward, Mia handed Issac to me and wrapped her arm around my waste, Briar and the twins standing on the other side of me. "This is your uncle Al, he gave his life to save me and mummy and I really wanted to introduce you to him" I said, looking at my children with love. 

"Mama, can I ask you something" A small voice said "Of course you can darling" I replied, peering down at Sophia "If he's dead, how can we introduce ourselves to him?" She asked with nothing but pure curiosity in her voice "Well, darling, some people believe in the after life, which is where you go after you die, and if that's where he is then he'll be looking down at us, we may not be bale to see him but maybe he can see us" I answered softly.

Sophia nodded her small head and kneeled down in front of Al's grave "Hi, uncle Al. Mama has told us a lot about you. She says your story is way better than Cinderella, I agree, Cinderella shouldn't have married a dude who couldn't recognise her without make up, Briar told me that. I'm Sophia by the way." She whispered, or tried to whisper, we could all hear.

Tears filled my eyes at her words and I took a deep breathe to get rid of the lump in my throat. Next Briar kneeled down, sitting Casper on her lap "Hi, I'm Casper. Mama always told me that I like food almost as much as you did, you must have really liked food because its my favourite thing in the world" He said, a smile on his face at the thought of food. I chocked out a half sob, half laugh at this.

"I'm Briar. Mama told me that you helped a lot when she was figuring who she was, I guess by doing that you helped me too. Finding out how I am has been really hard and I couldn't have done without my mums, apparently you taught mama all she knows about helping with that kind of thing. So thank you, I wish I could've met you" As she stood she looked at me with tears shining in her eyes, Mia immediately hugged her. Briars journey of self discovery makes mine seem like a walk in the park. 

"And last but not least there's this little munchkin, don't worry I didn't name him after you, you'd find that mush too cheesy, his name is Issac and I can already tell that he's going to be almost as good a fighter as you. He kicks like a bitch." I chuckled, getting an annoyed look from Mia for saying bitch in front of the kids, Sophia and Casper giggle quietly. 

Lastly Mia kneels down, placing some flowers on his grave "Hey, remember me? I sure hope you do seeing as you died for me and all." She chuckled through her tears "I didn't get to know you very well but what I do know is that you were an amazing person and Gabby misses you so much. The kids see you as such a role model and apparently want to be just like you, but I'm not letting any of them die before me, I know you'd hate that." Mia stands up and takes my hand in hers. 

I look back one more time. Maybe I was saying goodbye. Maybe I was saying thank you. Maybe I was finally moving on. Maybe it was all three. But I felt so much lighter. 

As if Al knows I'm finally happy, that I've finally fulfilled his dying wish. The grey cloud slowly move apart and let out a pool of golden light. I'm happy. Truly happy.

See you in the next life Al, the best friend - the best brother -  I could've wished for.


Sorry it been so long, school started two weeks ago and its been hectic. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Ive been brain storming ideas for Briars story and I'm thinking of doing a mixture of Briars and Gabby's pov, what do you think?

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