𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝗼

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One, Two, Claudia's coming for you.

Diamonté Pov

I got home just in time for dinner. My mom was making Mac and Cheese with Chicken. "Diamonté? Is that you?" My mom called out. "Yeah" I replied. "Go upstairs and get ready for dinner," She says and I did as told. I went into my room and change out of m clothes from earlier into some Pj's. I headed back downstairs and sat at the dining room table.


After me and my mom said our prayers we started eating. "So how did the last day of school go," She says starting up a conversation. "It was fine nothing much the teachers just let us play on our phones, eat and watch movies," I explained. "Oh, that's nice. Where did you go after school you didn't call me or tell me anything?" She says. "I was just hanging out with my friends you know," I said.

"Well I hope you guys didn't cause any trouble," She says looking at me. I stayed quiet remember what happened early. "Your silence is telling me that you guys did cause trouble," She says. "Um if you don't mind would like to be excused," I said standing up. "But you haven't finished your macaroni yet," She said confused. "Yeah I'll probably finish it tomorrow I'm a little tired and plus I need to brush my teeth" I said fake yawning. "Oh well good night" She says. "Night," I said rushing upstairs.

I grabbed my toothbrush from the holder and rinsed it underwater and started brushing.

As I was finishing brushing my teeth I heard dogs barking really loud. None of my neighbors have dogs so I don't know where the barking is coming from.

I opened the window seal and shouted "WILL SOMEONE SHUT THEIR FUCKIN' DOG UP!" I said and closed the window. The barking stopped. Finally. "Um Diamonté are you okay in there" I heard my mom say through the door. "Yeah I'm fine" I shouted back. "Okay good night honey," She says.

I got out of the bathroom and went to bed.


I woke up to the feeling of having to go to the bathroom. I quickly rushed out of bed and made it to the toilet without peeing on myself.

I finished and flushed the toilet and went over to the sink and washed my hands. When I was washing my hands I seen a drop of blood go inside of the sink. "What the hell" I thought to myself. I was searching from where the bloodstain was coming from and I landed on my nose. I looked in the mirror and saw my nose drooping with blood.

My eyes widened and my hands were shaking. I grabbed a piece of tissue and wiped my nose repeatedly. Still more and more blood was coming. I can feel myself get lightheaded the more blood that runs I'm gonna pass out.

"Mom! Can you come here this is an emergency" I shouted. She busted through the door "What going o-" Stops her sentence as she looks at my bleeding noise "What happened?" She asked grabbing some tissue "I-I don't know" I responded "Hold your head up" She says and I did. "When did it start bleeding?" she asked. "I just woke up to use the bathroom and when I was washing my hands I saw blood drip on the sink counter," I said looking up at the ceiling.

"Okay, we need to take you to the hospital cause it's not stopping. Do you feel light-headed?" She asked and I nodded my head. "Alright I'm gonna grab a bottle of water from downstairs, and you need to sit down," She tells me so I sat on the toilet seat.

I heard her footsteps clearing out. Now my head was starting to hurt. It feels like it's on 1000 if that is even possible. Suddenly I felt my body fall to the ground.

I faintly hear my mom's voice going in and out. "Yes I need an ambulance-" "Her eyes are slightly open".

I woke up hearing the machine beeping which means I'm in the hospital.

"Ah, Ms. Harper you awake" Some doctor came into the room. "I know your probably wondering who I am well I am your doctor Dr. Wiski," he says holding his hand waiting for me to shake it. "Where's my mom?" I asked sitting up. "She's out in the hall with a lot of your friends," He says. "Can they come in?" I asked. "I think it's best if we talk about what happened first. Because you lost quite an amount of blood so do you mind if you can tell me what happened?" Dr. Wiski asked. "Yes," I replied. "Thank you," He says taking out the clipboard. "Well um, it was 2:00 when this happened," I said and he nodded for me to continue. "So I was using the bathroom and when I went to wash my hands I have seen blood fall on the counter and at first I didn't know where it was coming from". I explained.

He wrote every word I was saying. "Then I discovered that it was coming from my nose," I said. "Can you describe the amount of blood that was coming out?" He asked. "Maybe like a half cup of water I guess" I shrugged. "Okay thank you, Ms. Harper, I want you to get some rest in the next hour your mom and friends can come visit you" He says. "Okay thank you Doctor" I said. And nodded walking out.

I shut my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Hour Later

I heard the doorknob twist open and I saw my mom peeking her head through to see if I was awake "Hey sweetie are you okay" She asked hugging me gently. "Hey mom I'm doing okay nose is kind of sore I guess from all the bleeding" I replied. "Awe I know, you know that your friends are here too?" She asked. "Yeah, the doctor told me," I said. "Do you want me to step out so they can come in?" She asked. "Yes please their probably wondering what happened," I told. "Okay I'm gonna see you later," She says and kissed me on the forehead.

My friends came into the room with a bunch of gifts. They had Balloons, Cards, teddy bears, candy. Do I have the most perfect friends in the world or what.

"Hey"they all said. "Aww you guys didn't have to bring me all of this," I said admiring the gifts. "Of course we did girl we yo friends," Meg says. "You guys are the best. But it was just a nose bleed nothing major" I said. "Yeah but you lost a lot of blood" Trey says. "And you passed out" Tinashe added. "I know" I said "what happened"Bel Asked. "Well I was going to the bathroom and-" I was about to say but cut off. "Wait did you have to go Number one or two?" Chris asked. Everyone gave him a straight faced.

"What. Details matter" He says shrugging. "Nigga really" Michael says. "Anyways I was going to the bathroom and when I was done I went to the sink and washed my hands in the sink and I saw blood dripping from my nose" I explained. "So what do you think caused it?" Justin asked. "I don't know I guess maybe I was hot," I said. "Or maybe it was that damn book" Bel says. "Its just a book with fake words" I said. "Mhmm"Bel hums. "I mean Justin did read some freaky ass shit and we don't know what the hell it means" Michael says. "Maybe it doesn't mean anything," Tinashe says. "I hope not cause I see too much horror shit where things start happening," I said.

ShadowVill Cemetery
Gene Pov
Cracks we're appearing on her gravestone. This is the first day of her wakening. She is buried very deep under ground.

"Ille cruento naso habet vestes cruentas, eliquare comas, sed sciet, respice in speculo et quid tu vides, imago similis mei."

"Audivit latrant canes, signum relinquit"

Translate: The One with the bloody nose, Has Bloody clothes, A strain of her hair, But will she be aware, Look in the mirror and what do you see, An image who looks like me.

She heard the dogs bark, It leaves a mark.
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𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐚 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝Where stories live. Discover now