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No one told me going on a weekend trip with the nine girls I had come to know over the last couple of years would be so... hectic. A warning would've been nice. Even if I had known before, no one can say no when Minatozaki Sana and Im Nayeon basically cling to your arms and beg you to go with them for days.

"Please Y/N," Sana whined looking up at me with big eyes and a pout. Next to her, Nayeon continued, "It'll be fun I promise." This conversation always ended with me saying no, but on the eighth day, I crumbled.

"Fine," I muttered in annoyance, quickening my pace to try and lose the two girls behind me. Their faces brightened as they turned to look at each other, before jogging to catch up to me. They stopped in front of me, causing me to stop as well. They were practically bouncing in excitement as they high-fived frantically. Sana squealed and turned back to me. "Finally you said yes! Took you long enough! I'll text you the rest of the details." I groaned once again and threw my head back, already regretting my agreement. Sana turned back and realized that Nayeon had started walking away without her.

"Hey! Wait for me," she turned back to me, only to say, "You won't regret this Y/N! I promise!" She waved and flashed a smile before running to catch up with the Korean girl. Sana and her dumb smile were making it very difficult to stay mad at the pair.

A week and a half later, a van pulled up to my house as I walked out to greet the girls who were already picked up. Jeongyeon was driving, and Nayeon was in the passenger seat. The driver-side window rolled down and Jeongyeon gave me a small wave and a tired smile. Nayeon, however, looked the most awake I think I've ever seen anyone as she waved sporadically at me and grinned, revealing her bunny teeth. I rolled my eyes and threw my large backpack that was almost bursting at the seams over my shoulder and entered the foreign vehicle.

I wasn't really sure who rented it, but my best guess was either the driver, Jeongyeon, or Jihyo, who was known to be the most responsible of the group. The rented vehicle had just enough seats for all of us to fit in, and it had the smell that all rented vehicles have. I inhaled deeply, taking a second to take it all in and accept my fate.

I was brought out of my self-pity party by someone letting out an almost silent gasp from the last row of seats. I opened my eyes, bringing myself back to the situation I had put myself in. I looked up to see Chaeyoung grinning excitedly at me. To her left, she had a passed-out Dahyun on her shoulder. I quickly began moving to a seat in the back. Since the back row only had two seats, which were currently occupied by Chaeyoung and her sleeping companion, I sat in the seat directly in front of her before turning to face her.

Jeongyeon glanced through the rearview mirror, making sure everyone was buckled before beginning to drive to the next girl's house, all the while Nayeon was excitedly chattering in her ear. After greeting Chaeyoung and taking a picture of the sleeping Dahyun, I turned just in time to see Jeongyeon's soft, sweet smile through the rearview mirror.

The next girl who was picked up was Tzuyu. She looked stoic as she walked toward the vehicle but couldn't contain her smile when she entered the vehicle. She sat in the middle seat next to me, but she looked uncomfortable. I quickly realized that, despite the seats being in the same row, there was more foot room in the seat that I was in. By now, Nayeon had run out of things to talk about and had turned on the radio. The car was completely silent except for a pop song Nayeon had put on low volume.

Tzuyu was zoned out and staring through the windshield at the road ahead. I tried tapping her, but she didn't notice. She must be really deep in thought because her eyebrows are furrowed. I leaned my head on her shoulder, causing her to stiffen up at the contact, before looking at me and relaxing. I looked up at her and began to speak in a quiet voice.

"Tzuyu, I think there's more room over here." I began and she looked at the seats in front of her, and the space that I had compared to what she had. "Do you want to switch spots, so that you'll have more room?" I asked with my head tilted slightly. She looked up at me and smiled, nodding her head. I unbuckled and slid to her seat as she stood. It was an awkward position, and Tzuyu had her eyes turned to the ground with a shy smile on her face. We both got situated before buckling up again.

"Thanks, Y/N," she said quietly, smiling at me. I smiled back and nodded. Tzuyu tried to stifle a yawn but was unable to. I looked over at her, and we made eye contact. I patted my shoulder slightly, and when she didn't understand what I meant, I gently guided her head to rest on my shoulder. These girls work really hard, and I'd do anything to help them. The least I could do is help Tzuyu get a little more sleep. She looked up at me slightly with her eyes closed, and a sleepy smile on her face. I couldn't help but let a small smile grace my lips.

Mina was picked up next. When she entered the van, she stopped suddenly and looked at Tzuyu and I. I quirked an eyebrow at her, and she let out a little laugh before making her way towards the seat next to me. After she sat, she greeted me.

"Hey Y/N. Looks like you already have your hands full." She says with a little chuckle, glancing at the sleeping girl on my shoulder. I smiled at Mina. "It's nothing I can't handle, besides," I lift the arm that Tzuyu wasn't resting on. "I have two arms anyways." She cracks another smile at me and shakes her head.

"I mean it's the least I can do for her. You all work so hard and so much, and it hurts to see you guys all worn out." I admit with a sad smile, my gaze finding the carpet of the large van. Mina turns to look at me again. Her gaze softens at my expression and she sighs, shaking her head.

"Ah Y/N, you're too good for this world," Mina mumbles, turning her head to look out the window at the city passing by. By now, the only ones we had left to pick up were the loudest ones. We pulled up to the next house and Momo ran towards the car. Mina tries her hardest to stifle her laughter when Momo almost trips going down the steps. The door opens loudly as an energetic Momo enters the van with an exclamation.

"I brought snacks!" Chaeyoung, Nayeon, and Jeongyeon cheered. I felt Tzuyu stir a bit, and shortly after, she opened her eyes. After her eyes adjusted to the light and she realized where she was and what was happening, she greeted Momo.

"Hey, Momo." She says while rubbing her eyes. She lifted her head from my shoulder and looked at me with a blush dusting her cheeks. She mumbled a 'thank you' before I heard Dahyun waking up.

"Guys, Dahyun's waking up!" Chaeyoung said, and I turned my head to try to see the girl who had been fast asleep on her friend's shoulder since I entered the vehicle. I caught a glimpse of her rubbing her eyes and looking around with squinted eyes.

"What's going on?" Dahyun mumbled, still half asleep. Momo turned around completely in her seat, to look over at Dahyun.

"The best road trip ever is happening! Wake up!" Momo exclaimed excitedly. I saw Mina smile out of the corner of my eye. Suddenly, the door slammed open once again, and a loud, familiar voice rang out throughout the vehicle.

"Hey! Hirai Momo you better buckle up!" Jihyo exclaimed as she stepped into the van. Behind her, the distinct laugh of Sana could be heard. She stumbled into the van with a bright smile on her face. Momo mumbled a habitual apology as Jihyo began to laugh with Sana.

Jeongyeon put the car in drive, and Nayeon turned the music up. She turned to look at the rest of us with a mischievous grin on her face. In her hand was a bluetooth microphone. Seeing this, everyone cheered. Maybe this actually would be more fun than I thought, the car ride at least. Only six more hours to go.

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