[💌] - 9

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"I found a baking mix for chocolate cupcakes, shall we make'em?" Beomgyu excitedly barged into his room, waving with the packaging of the backing mix. His actual plan was to get some drinks and snacks but instead he found the backing mix in the storage room and an idea popped up in his head. Yeonjun sat on the younger's comfortable bed, holding a play station controller in his hand and paused the game to look at the bubbly happy virus in person in the doorway. The pink-haired instantly got infected with it and couldn't hide his smile. He was so soft for this boy.

Yeonjun shrugged and switched off the play station, standing up from the bed. "Why not?" The younger smiled in joy and excitedly ran ahead. "I'm waiting in the kitchen", he yelled from downstairs and Yeonjun chuckled about Beomgyu's adorable, energetic behavior. He was always able to increase Yeonjun's mood like an instant serotonin boost. The taller wasn't in a hurry and followed Beomgyu in a much calmer pace downstairs. "Come on, hurry up." Yeonjun heard the younger's complaints and again he could only chuckle. "I'm already there, no need to complain", the pink-haired answered and entered the fancy, modern kitchen.

Yeonjun widened his eyes, never in his life had he seen a kitchen this luxurious, of course it was just a kitchen but everything looked so fancy and expensive. Actually everything in this whole house looked expensive as hell. The older was even kind of scared to touch the walls. He could already see his empty bank account, because his clumsy ass destroyed something in this huge mansion.

"You're alright?" Beomgyu recognized the hesitation in Yeonjun's movements and the following shocked expression in his face, he had already recognized it when they entered the house. Yeonjun seemed overly cautious. The pink-haired blinked at the younger and came back to senses, opening his mouth to answer but to be honest, he didn't know what to say. "Umm- I-", he stammered but couldn't find the right words. Was it rude to say that he felt a little uncomfortable in this expensive surroundings? Yeonjun shook his head and decided to push these unnecessary thoughts away and focus on the time he could spend with the younger. "Nothing important, let's make those chocolate cupcakes. What do we need?", he changed the topic and looked motivated at Beomgyu who quickly nodded and handed the package to Yeonjun. "While you read out the recipe, I get all the things we need", Beomgyu retorted and opened one of the few cabinets.

Somehow the baking session ended up in huge flour fight, making a mess out of the once clean kitchen, covering the floor in white. It all started with the younger who cheekily threw flour at Yeonjun and the immediate revenge of the pink-haired. Amused laughter filled the room followed by some heavy breaths from chasing and getting chased around the kitchen island. "Stop, please- I need air", Beomgyu tried to say while unstoppable giggles escapes his lips, making it so hard for him to breathe that he had to stop running.

"Gotcha", Yeonjun chuckled and wrapped his arms around the younger's thin yet muscular, athletic figure, pressing their bodies against each other and turning the giggling mess around in his arms. At first, Beomgyu didn't really noticed how close they actually were until he really needed air and stopped giggling, feeling the blood rush into his face. He noticed the older's admiring gaze on himself and stared right back with dazzling eyes, lips slightly agape. Yeonjun's gaze was piercing and oh-so attracting. "You- you- we- ummh-", Beomgyu stammered, but as if they were plus and minus, two strong magnets, their lips collided and melted into a gentle first kiss.

The kiss was short. As fast as their lips met, as fast was the kiss over. No moving, no tongue, no nothing, just a short, innocent touch, but it was enough to let the butterflies erupt in Yeonjun's stomach, a mix of adrenaline and endorphins rushed through his veins, completely clouding his mind. He couldn't think straight- I mean, straight? What the heck? That was everything but straight.

Beomgyu was surprised and felt like he was about to pass out any second. His cheeks felt like they were in flames and he was sure his heart was about to combust. The raven-haired could swear his knees felt like jellies and if he wouldn't grasp onto the older, they would've given up right away and Beomgyu would sink to the ground. He felt tipsy yet he was completely sober, his mind clouded, blinking in confusion. The realization hadn't set in yet, so it felt absolutely unbelievable.

Yeonjun stared at the younger wide-eyed, lips slightly parted. The shock was written over his whole face.
Did he really just did that?
He gulped. All of a sudden the white cabinet doors were really interesting to Yeonjun. He prefered looking at them than looking straight at Beomgyu which wasn't that easy actually considering that the raven-haired stood right front of him and even tightened his grip on Yeonjun's arms.

"Y-you-" "Sorry, I should leave", the pink-haired interrupted and let go of the smaller, immediately fleeing out of the kitchen and leaving Beomgyu standing there with a irritated face.

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