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Most of Camp Campbell was seated on the benches in front of the stage. Their activity for the day was a magic show, hosted by Harrison. No one was thrilled though. Not even Harrison

Harrison was behind the stage curtain preparing for possibly the worst...not many kids at the camp liked the activities unless it was something they liked. Example; Nikki only liked things with adventure, Dolph only liked things with drawing and art, ect. Then there was Max, who didn't like anything. Whenever everyone was forced into an activity, he would try to sabotage it in some way. Today wouldn't be an exception and that's what was racking at Harrison's nerves...he kept trying to tell himself everything would go fine but it was difficult...

"Well I bet you're excited!"

Harrison looked around after hearing the sudden noise, only to find David standing behind the stage. "Uh...yeah.." he responded smiling nervously. "I'm sure they'll love it! Hopefully this goes according to plan" the cheerful counsellor exclaimed putting a hand on the magicians shoulder, then leaving back to the crowd. Harrison put on his hat and gloves, and went to the stage


"And now for my next trick, I will need a volunteer from the audience!" Harrison smiled, although he didn't have much hope. No one seemed too excited. In fact he was pretty sure he saw Nurf with a bag of rotten tomatoes in the crowd. Harrison stood on the stage a bit worries then just decided to pick someone. "How the young man in the yellow and green T-shirt" he said pointing to Preston after a while. Preston sighed then got onto the stage. As much as he enjoyed being in the spotlight, this isn't the type of spotlight he wanted to be in. "For this trick, I will be splitting Preston into three parts!" Harrison smiled pulling a large upright box onto the stage as Preston's eyes widened. Most of the other campers groaned. The only people who didn't were David, Gwen and Nikki. David always supported the campers on what they liked, Gwen was distracted with something she was writing and Nikki was for some odd reason always in awe of magic. She even liked to help Harrison a few times with it

Harrison locked Preston into the box, then put a saw through each of the slates and separated each one. The other campers clapped slowly, not very impressed. Harrison tried to keep a smile on his face, hoping they'd be more impressed after he put Preston in one piece. Meanwhile, Preston was pretty freaked out. What if Harrison couldn't get him back together?!

Harrison pushed the boxes back into proper order then reached into his pocket to get the key. But he...couldn't feel it. Maybe it was just cause his glove was on? Or maybe it was stuck in his pocket on something? Harrison pulled his glove off then reached into his pocket. Nothing...oh shoot

The crowd became restless, starting to boo as Harrison began to panic and frantically search for the key. "J-Just trust me folks, I have it somewhere!" He smiled anxiously. "Harrison, get me out of this! This isn't funny" Preston shrieked. Harrison took his black vest off and shook it while searching, causing cards and colored cloths to fall out. Some of the other kids started laughing while the rest of them continued to boo. Harrison could feel stress building inside him as he took off his hat, upside down and tapped it. A bunny hopped to the ground and a bird flew out from it. "You suck, Harrison!" Nerris shouted from the crowd as Nurf started pelting tomatoes at Harrison

Harrison dodged several of the tomatoes, but not all of them. "Uh..." he tried to speak. Slowly he backed up as the heckling continued and David failed to stop it all. "W-We will now take a brief intermission!" Everything felt like it was spinning as Harrison ran off the stage and he almost tripped going down the stairs. After a lot of running he got back to his tent and closed it quickly, laying down while trying to relax...his surroundings were spinning, his vision was getting was all too much and too stressful...


It didn't take long for David to get Preston out of the box. Thankfully he was able to pick locks in less than 20 minutes. When Preston was out, the crowd had already started to disperse so he decided to go find the magician who had ran off. He didn't know which way he went though, so who knew which way he had run off to. After checking the mess hall and backstage, Preston thought maybe Harrison had gone to the tent they shared. As he got closer and closer to it, he could hear shallow breathing from inside and figured out fast his was in fact correct with who was inside...

Harrison rolled over with tears running down his face and saw Preston standing in the entrance of the tent. Quickly he tried to wipe his cheeks dry and look as relaxed as possible, but nothing worked...and even if it did work, Preston still would've known something was wrong...

"Are...are you alright....?" he asked. He wasn't yelling when he said this, which was pretty rare since Preston always talked in a loud voice. Harrison didn't wanna speak at the moment, so he just nodding while slightly chocking on tears and slowly sitting up. Preston sat down beside the magician and the two of them sat on the cot in silence for a few seconds. Then Harrison finally spoke, his voice still shaking...

"I....I'm sorry....I don't normally get like's just....I was trying to make sure tonight went well and then things just...fell apart...."

Preston seriously hated to see someone he cared about in this state...he himself sometimes got flustered if something wasn't done perfectly the way he wanted, so he easily understood the feeling. Harrison was shaking and was starting to tilt forward from stress while holding his knees to his chest, so Preston put his arm around him to hold him up. "I'm...not angry about the trick...David and Gwen got me out quickly...." he said trying to help Harrison feel better. Harrison could feel himself getting tired and leaned his head on the other boys shoulder. Preston felt his face get hot and it turned a bit pink as he looked at Harrison. The two of them then looked directly at each other

Harrison then smiled, finally relaxed, and kissed Preston on the cheek. Preston smiled back then both of them laid down beside each other and slowly drifted off to sleep while hugging each other


Authors Note: Part two on the way! Also, I got braces today and yesterday I got a tooth pulled. My bottom front teeth hurt pretty bad but I look kinda like Nerris :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2021 ⏰

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Anxiousness (Camp Camp ship story) (Preston X Harrison) (StageMagic)Where stories live. Discover now