40 Calm Down, Puppy

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Before Celia lets Marilyn in, I storm to my bedroom and shut the door.


I can't do this right now.

I open the drawer to grab a pair of briefs and jeans. Put on a random shirt from the closet. Tear through my hair and groan behind my hands.

"Okay. Just a few hours of small talk. That's it. I can do that."

Why did we fight? Doesn't she realize I'm fucking dying over here? My dick hurts. My arm is sore. I wouldn't be surprised if the shower drain gets clogged any day now.

I want her.

So. Fucking. Bad.

"Gio, I'm leaving!" She yells. A moment later, she closes the main door.

Great. I'm alone with her grandma. Me. The guy who can barely form a full sentence.

"Hi," I smile, bending over for a hug. "Did Celia already leave?"

Dumb fucking idiot. No, she's still here. She's just wearing an invisibility cloak.

"You seem a little tense..." Marilyn laughs.

I chuckle and step back, then remember she has grocery bags by her feet. "Oh. Let me take these. Jesus. Did you carry all of these? You could've told me, I'd go buy whatever you need."

"I don't trust you." Marilyn follows me into the kitchen where I set the bags and starts to take the contents out. "I have a very sharp eye. I notice details that many people don't."

"With produce?" I smile, watching her line up the counter space with every vegetable possible.

It's like she's pulling the entire supermarket out of the bags. Tomatoes, eggplants, carrots, potatoes, bell-peppers, onions. There's a mountain of herbs. Fresh bread and butter. Eggs and milk. Ground beef, chicken. Canned tomatoes and pumpkin.

"Wow." I scratch my head. "Uh... Ari's at Chanel's. She's watching the parade with Liam. She should be back soon."

"I'm not here for Ari... I'm here to hang out with you, silly goose!" She laughs at my reaction and ambles close, grabbing the blue towel from the dishwasher beside me.

"I don't really... cook..." I rub my neck, leaning against the counter.

She stares at me with an intense gaze. Her weary eyes squint and her lips pull into a smirk, but it's intelligent, if that even makes sense. There's an arch to her short and dark eyebrows, like she's truly dissecting every detail about me and I don't like that.

But she's a fascinating woman— okay, maybe a little intimidating. Same height as Celia. Dresses nicely too. The thick, green blouse reaches her white pants and flares around the elbows. Her short, silver-gray hair is wavy and swept back. She has a red necklace on that seems to be made out of seashells.

"Then what do you cook for Ari, dear?"

"Not much, to be honest..." My voice is disturbingly deep compared to her soft one.

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