Chapter 1

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Kageyama pov

It was a normal evening after practice, I was walking with Hinata on our way back home, he was blabbing about who knows what, and I wasn't really paying him any attention. When I noticed that we were approaching the stop we parted ways at, the streetlamp with the bulb burnt out, I tuned back into Hinata's ramblings.

"...and then Kenma was telling me about a boss in his game that took him three whole days to beat! Can you believe it took him that long, Kageyama?"

I only grunted in response.

"I couldn't believe it when he told me. It never takes Kenma that long, even if it is a hard boss."

We were quickly approaching the post when I stopped and turned to look at Hinata. A big mistake. The setting sun behind him illuminated his hair, making him look like he was on fire in the best way possible. I'm not sure exactly when I started noticing these things about Hinata, I just know that it was happening during the training camp at Nekoma. Ever since then I couldn't stop noticing small things about him, like the way his hair bounces when he runs or the way his eyes sparkle when he plays volleyball.

"...yama, Kageyama! Why are you staring at me?"

"Oh, um," Shit, I spaced out, "I wanted to ask you something."

"Well, go ahead. No need to ask first," Hinata said with a small grin.

Fuck. That smile is going to be the death of me.  I took a breath, trying to prepare myself for the question I was about to ask. "Love. What does it... feel like?" I said quietly.

I thought that Hinata hadn't heard me until he started to chuckle and asked, "Why are you asking me?"

I stared at him blankly for a moment. "Who else would I ask?"

"I don't know," he replied, still chuckling slightly, "Tanaka or Noya would probably be able to give you a better answer than I can."

"I'm not exactly close with either of them," I grumbled, "and besides, have they even ever dated anyone?"

Hinata contemplated my question for a moment before responding unsurely, "I don't know. I'm not sure if anyone on the team has ever dated anyone before." He was quiet for only a couple of seconds before piping with his usual energy, "Maybe Suga has. He's handsome enough to have had a girlfriend. And nice too"

"Maybe, but it's not like I'm close enough to him to start a conversation like that."

"So you came to me?"

"Yeah," I replied hesitantly.

"You really don't have any other friends do you?" he chuckled again. Dammit he needs to stop doing that.

"I have other friends," I lied, "I'm just not as close to them."

"Hmm, sure," Hinata said skeptically.

"Are you going to answer my question or not?"

"Ah, what was your question again?"

Idiot. "I asked you what love feels like."

"Right." he hesitated a moment, "Well, there are multiple types of love," he continued, sounding a little unsure, "but I'm assuming you're talking about romantic love, right?" he trailed off.

"I think so, yeah."

"You're not sure?"

"I want to know if these feelings are love or if they are something else."

"Wait. So you actually think you could be in love?"

"Possibly, I'm not actually sure yet."

"Oh." was all that Hinata said. He looked shocked and a little bit of something else I couldn't place. It disappeared quickly as he asked, "Who is she?"

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