f i f t e e n

16 5 2

"Harry Potter?!" Professor Dumbledore repeated, this time clearer and louder. 

There was a wave of whispers. 

Mistletoe could see Harry standing up slowly from his seat, clearly confused and terrified. He slowly stumbled to the back chamber. 

"Uhm, alright students... " the headmaster looked up the Goblet, expecting the flame to turn red and shoot out another name. But it didn't come, the flame disappeared. His eyes widened behind his glasses and he walked quickly to the chamber after Harry.

"Do you think Harry Potter put his name in?" Hannah said, not bothering to lower her voice. 

"It can't be, there was an age line!" Ernie exclaimed. "He probably told an older student to put in his name."

Mistletoe grumbled under her breath. She didn't care if Harry put his name in or not, or she cared was Cedric. She had watched the Triwizard Tournament in the daily prophet years ago. The deaths were so traumatising..  Mistletoe bit her lip and furrowed her eyebrows, waiting for Cedric to return in silence.

Suddenly, Professor McGonagall came out of the chamber and walked to the front. "Students, thank you for coming, please head back to your common rooms and sleeping chambers, the day ends here." she gave everyone a nod before they rose from the chairs and shuffled out. 

Mistletoe stayed glued to her spot, determined to walk back with Cedric. Soon, the hall was deserted and dark. The only light source was from the lanterns flickering. Mistletoe couldn't help but a tear dripped out of her eyes. Suddenly, heard a noise behind her. She spun around instantly and saw Draco, on a tip toe position, as if attempting to creep up on her.

"What are you doing here?" she hissed and backed away.

"Were you crying?" he said and grinned, standing straight now that she had discovered him.

Mistletoe immediately wiped her visible tears. "None of your business." she snapped. "Go away."

"Huh, okey." Draco raised an eyebrow before disappearing back into the darkness. 

What was that. She thought.

Right after Draco had left, she heard a noise from the chamber and the professors and champions stormed out. Cedric noticed Mistletoe at the shadows and ran towards her. 

"Hello Mist, I got selected!" he said with pride. 

She nodded and led Cedric towards the common room. 

"What's wrong?" he asked and looked down at Mistletoe who's eyes were slightly red. 

"Nothing, let's go back." she shook her head.

The duo arrived the front of the common room and climbed in. They were immediately greeted with excited and happy faces from the Hufflepuffs, wait no, Cedric was greeted. Mistletoe had been completely ignored the whole way in the common room. Stacks of food were piled on the tables and yellow banners had been hung up on the wall. 

Susan Bones grabbed one of the fallen banners and covered it on Cedric's shoulders. "Congrats Cedric!" 

Mistletoe threw her an unpleasant look before stalking up to her dormitories. 

"Thanks- Mist where are you going? There's a party right now!" Cedric called out at her. 

"Not in the mood!" she yelled back, but everyone was too loud that Cedric could only hear her as if she was whispering to him 6 feet away. 

"Cedric! Cedric, come try these pumpkin pastries-" Zacharias said holding up a plate filled with pumpkin pastries to the tall boy. 

Mistletoe slumped on her bed still with her robes on. She closed her eyes and hoped that when she woke up, she would realise that it was all a dream and the Triwizard Tournament had just been announced. 

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