Chapter 15: Revenge and Revelations

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Word Count: 2,527

Chapter 15: Revenge and Revelations

I returned to my room after that whole debacle, though I made sure to inform Elliot of the situation before leaving him alone. The next day, which was a Saturday, flew by. I did my duties for Potions Club and mainly spent the rest of my time in the library. I was looking over hexes and jinxes in many of the books, slowly being drawn into more and more dark arts books. I began taking them to my dorm room to read and learn about for the next couple of weeks, which began worrying my friends a little. Elliot didn't like that I had become so fascinated with the subject, but I woke up the day after the ball and chose violence, so this was the path I was taking. It was the middle of March when I finally approached the person I needed to talk to about it.

"Hey Albert, I'd like you to tutor me on something other than history today, if that's alright."

"Sure, what would you like to know," his green eyes looked at me quizzically. I pulled out one of the dark arts books and showed him some of the spells I'd marked.

"I've tried practicing them myself, but I think I learn better when I can see someone else do them first so I can try and copy their movements," I said. He paused slightly before questioning me further.

"Hexes and jinxes, huh? Does this have something to do with what happened at the ball last month?"

"Maybe." He looked at me with an eyebrow raised. "Look, there's someone who's been bullying my friends and I with this same sort of stuff, so it's time I got him back!" He thought for a moment before replying.

"Alright, I'll agree to teach you some of these, but you have to promise me something." I nodded for him to continue. "Promise you won't tell anyone that I was the one who taught you these, especially if you get caught."

"It's a deal," I replied excitedly. For the rest of our session that day, Albert spent it teaching me all about different curses, hexes versus jinxes, and how to use them practically. I returned to my dorm that night full of excitement at my new skills I'd learned.

I couldn't wait to test out my knowledge on Leon and his friends, but for the next few weeks, they left us alone, much to my disappointment. I was just itching for them to start something, to provoke me into using these new spells. Things, however, picked up again in April when I realized why they'd been leaving me alone. I found out that Sable had confronted Leon about his behavior, and Leon had begun targeting her. She'd been taking the abuse for me, and I couldn't let that slide.

I found Leon and his friends by the Black Lake, pestering Sable and Rubina who were just trying to relax outside on their weekend. They had taken Sable's wand and were pretending to break it. I could hear her angry yells as I approached, in fact I was surprised she hadn't beaten them up yet.

"Leave them alone!" I shouted angrily, hurrying towards them.

"Well, if it isn't the buck-toothed beaver! Haven't seen you in a while, where have you been off to? Chopping down the forest with your chompers?" Leon taunted, making his friends laugh.

"Give Sable her wand back and leave them alone," I growled.

"We were just having some good ol' fun together you know, like friends do," said Theodore, who happened to be holding Sable's wand, grabbed both ends and started bending it. Surprisingly, Dantes looked a little uncomfortable by their actions, his amber eyes shifting.

"Maybe we should stop, guys. If you actually break her wand that wouldn't be cool," Dantes said slowly, trying not to anger his friends while still trying to defend Sable. We all looked at Dantes in shock.

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