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Part two

Glancing at the Patient's Official Record, she noticed something odd. She checked it the second time, it was then that she grasped...




Name: Lucy Heartfilia-Fullbuster

Age: 25

Diagnosis: Anterograde/Retrograde Amnesia




Gray entered the room, taking his white coat off and throwing it to Kami-knows-where - it's just props anyway. His family owned the hospital - even though he managed to pass the Medical Board Exam, attending over other patients never once hit him - except, of course, solely for his wife..

He massaged his temples woozily, it had been two years since he married Lucy Heartfilia - and it had also been almost a year now ever since they got involved in that massive road accident.

Gray could still remember that rainy morning - they were on their way to the Review Center for Medical Students in preparation of Lucy taking the Medical Board Exam - a large truck had bumped onto the car behind them which resulted into a massive crashing accident. Yet, that time, all his wife could think of was to provide First Aid to the victims even when she, herself, was bleeding all over and her consciousness was about to give in.

Both of them went critical and fortunately, both of them lived but it wasn't until Lucy woke up that she was diagnosed with Anterograde/Retrograde Amnesia.

Anterograde Amnesia is a partial or complete inability to recall the recent past and store new events occurring everyday - as it affected mainly the short term memory, while the long term memories from until when her memory could remember had remained intact.

And in Lucy's case, her memory had gone back to as far as when she was only 17. This is where the Retrograde Amnesia kicked in - this type refers to the inability to recall memories before onset Amnesia, consequently, making her forget about some parts from her long term memories.

Thus, making her forget everything about the man she married and going back to being a teenager.

But Gray wasn't the kind of guy who just gives up.

He will wait without forcing his wife to remember him.

It wasn't clear if Lucy's case was a permanent or a temporary case of Amnesia but one thing is for sure, if she won't remember him, he'll make her fall in love with him all over again. He'll make her marry him every day and he'll never get tired of producing new memories of them together - he'll stay by her side... forever.




Just then, his door flew open revealing an infuriated and shocked Lucy, "Oi, docto-" and even before she could finish her sentence, her eyes widened in horror as her vision caught a large picture displayed at the center of the room.




In it, she was wearing a white wedding gown and was standing next to a familiar raven-haired boy who introduced himself as her doctor just a moment ago.




Gray stood up, a bit taken aback by the sudden intrusion, "L-Lucy?"

"Y-you...?" Her voice quivered as her whole body shook, her gaze traveling to and fro from Gray to the large wedding photo and back. "A-and I...? B-but-" the record book slid down her fingers as she fumbled on the next words she was about to say. She gripped on the door knob for support but still stumbled and lost her balance.

Gray immediately ran to her rescue but halted as she held her palm up and gestured to stay where he was.

She can't believe this is happening to her.

"I-I'm really sick, aren't I?" She stammered, failing to deliver it as she intended, "S-so that's why I-I can't remember s-some things I-I'm supposed to remember... Like for i-instance, why t-the stupid TV network h-has stopped airing m-my favorite d-drama when it clearly h-hasn't ended yesterday." Tears started to accumulate on her eyes, "A-anterograde and R-retrograde Amnesia... I-I've read of those b-before. I-it sucks to have both of this, doctor!"

Gray stared at her sadly, it was times like this that he couldn't take how his wife appeared. That's why even though he wanted to just remind her all the things she forgot every morning, he couldn't bring himself to.

Because looking at Lucy as she struggled to accept the truth was the greatest torture of his life.

"I-I was... I mean, I-I am your wife, then?" she continued, Gray crouched beside her. She felt so helpless, so ashamed, so... worthless.

Gray pulled her into a tight embrace and her tears had finally strolled down on her cheeks uncontrollably, she wrapped her arms around his neck and cried, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry for not remembering, doctor! I'm very sorry."

The young man stroked her hair gently, "I'm here, Lucy... Shh, don't worry about it. Even though you can't remember me, I can still remember you. I could always remind you everything every time you'll forget me."

She cried even more loudly, "When I first saw you a while ago, I thought you're just totally my type and I was a bit disappointed to learn you're already married... Though I admired your courage to tell me that you already have a wife! Don't surprise me like this next time, ne? Just flirt with me, doctor. And ask me to marry you. I'm sorry for making you wait as always."

The boy pulled himself off her grasp and smiled, "Most likely, you'll realize you're my wife through our rings, you know. What made you not look on your ring today?"

" I-I was totally into lecturing you..." she raised her hand and glanced at the unnoticed ring sitting on her ring finger. "I didn't notice."

And then he leaned forward and kissed her, "And you said a dirty old man like me shouldn't go flirting with innocent seventeen-year-old girl oozing with sex appeal like you, plus I shouldn't commit adultery." He whispered huskily against her lips.

Still entranced with the touch of his lips against hers, she pouted, "You didn't tell me I'm your wife, though. I'm really sorry, Gray."

"The last time I told you you're my wife, you almost broke my neck."



This story was made by Hachibukai in Fan fiction.net

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