Chapter 2: ↳ butterfly effect²

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"YOU WILL BE cleaning the entire classroom."

(Y/N)'s eyes widened comically, listening to the words that just spilled from the bespectacled man's lips, the corners quirking upwards evilly at the end of the sentence.

Tsukishima was most definitely enjoying this.

The tall blonde male strode over to his desk gracefully, long legs carrying him regally. He turned to face her, placing his palms flat on his desk. "I want the floor swept and mopped. The tables wiped, rearranged and the board washed. The trash bins emptied. Am I understood?"

His tone was firm as he stated his points, eyes flashing dangerously - a flicker of a warning of what will happen if his commands weren't listened and followed. Gulping slightly, it was something she didn't want to find out.

Carefully watching the man sit down, he started to shuffle papers on his desk, hands working quickly and efficiently. "What are you standing there for?" he snapped suddenly, annoyance swimming in those tantalising eyes. "Unless you want to be here the entire afternoon, you can keep staying right where you are. I've got all the time in the world."

(Y/N) grumbled under her breath unhappily, shooting a small glare out of the corner of her eye as she took off her school blazer, rolling up her sleeves. Man this sucks, cleaning classrooms usually happened once a week after school, with the help of the whole class which would mostly take 30 minutes at most since all the work was divided. But now that she stood there, hopelessly surveying the spacious room with all the chores that needed to be finished listed in her head, she'd be lucky if she was finished within the next two hours.

That included getting his approval. And judging from one look, that's something that was nearly impossible to successfully accomplish. The blonde-haired man always had a nonchalant expression plastered over his face, eyes cold and unforgiving.

With a sigh, she quickly set off to work, discarding her things by the door. One look at the clock indicated that it was 3, if luck was on her side, (Y/N) would hopefully be done by 5 at the latest.

After almost an hour of cleaning, it was safe to say that she was most certainly going to commit a murder. At first the man focused on marking some work which left her to clean in silence which wasn't too bad but after a while, the Business teacher began to provide snide comments which just doubled the workload, constantly pointing out her mistakes.

"You call that clean? I want to be able to see my own reflection" he'd always say.

"Narcissist" she muttered hotly, rolling her eyes in irritation.

Thankfully after almost a grueling two hours of non-stop comments and rude remarks to which she got past with a forced smile and gritted teeth, all she had left to do was wash the board and she'll be done - free of this hell. (Y/N) will make sure to never be late to his class again, lest she want to repeat this circle of hell once more.

The girl knew that what he was doing was all on purpose, just waiting for her to crack and slip-up, giving him another reason to punish her, as if this wasn't bad enough already. Heaving a large bucket of water to the front board, she made sure to pointedly ignore the hawk-like stare that pierced her body from the side, watching her every movement with utmost scrutiny.

Tsukishima angled his body in the chair, crossing his legs, a pen swiftly spinning between his nimble fingers.

She pushed a desk against the board, placing the water next to her as she climbed on top to be able reach every corner. Getting to work, (Y/N) scrubbed the board, determined for it to pass the blonde man's first inspection so she could leave as quickly as possible. Making her way from top to bottom, she carefully balanced on her knees, the table groaning under her weight as she warily cast a glance at the desk.

The frenzied actions from her hand as she cleaned the board made the wood slightly shake beneath her legs, protesting at her. There was a uneasy feeling bubbling within her chest. Deciding to just focus on her task, (Y/N) continued to scrub the board clean. Her knees began to throb painfully from leaning on them for so long, joints angrily disagreeing with the prolonged actions.

The girl slowly lowered one leg on the floor, instant relief coursing through that leg as she tried to bring her other leg down but apparently, everything decided to turn against her in that exact moment. Her knee banged against the corner of the desk, pain exploding like a fire cracker as she swore suddenly, forgetting that a teacher was only a few metres away.

But that was the least of her worries as she felt her world go sideways, her other leg giving out beneath her from exhaustion. Trying to grab hold of a steady surface, she felt her eyes go wide from shock as she tumbled to the floor, accidentally bringing the bucket of water with her in a hopeless attempt to keep staying upright.

Soapy cold water soaked her within seconds, drenching her entire body as the poor girl sat on the floor, blinking hazily and trying to comprehend what had just happened. Water trickled down her bare legs as her feet lay tangled in a messy heap. The white school shirt clung to her body like a second skin, the icy water biting and cruel.

It took her a moment to register that something firm was holding onto her upper arm. (Y/N) moved her head backwards, looking up to meet dark golden eyes staring down at her. Tsukishima had a strong grip around her arm as his lean legs brushed against her back.

To her, it seemed as if he tried to help by grabbing her arm to stop the fall but it didn't quite go to plan because his lower legs were soaked as well. His lips twitched, anger clouding those irises furiously.

What was most surprising though, was that he actually tried to help. Because if anything, she was pretty sure he would have just let her fall, giving him the perfect reason to insult her.

Tsukishima's breathing was a bit heavier, the man's mouth twisting into a snarl that did not suit his fair face. His lustrous golden pools trailed from her dumbstruck face to follow her drenched uniform languidly, going lower until they landed on her legs. Noticing the way goosebumps had erupted across the skin, droplets running downwards.

"Get out" he whispered roughly, fingers digging into her upper arm painfully. (Y/N) snapped out of it, scrambling to her feet hurriedly as the blonde man all but dragged her upwards with surprisingly strength. Crossing her arms across her chest, she pulled away from him with a wince running across her face.

"I SAID GET OUT!" he bellowed venemously, chest rising and falling rapidly, a storm swirling within his eyes.

With a flinch from his raised voice, she all but grabbed her things and ran out of the room without a single word, fear coursing through her veins at the angered expression that shattered the blonde man's blank face like black paint being splattered across a white canvas.

Leaving him to stand alone in the classroom, a mixture of wild feelings crashing through his body. Tsukishima groaned loudly, taking off his glasses to harshly rub at his eyes. No matter how hard he rubbed, the image of her was still imprinted behind his eyelids.

He cursed himself heavily, refusing his thoughts to stray in a direction he most certainly did not want them to go to. Ever.

He definitely was not getting paid enough to deal with this shit.

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