Chapter 2: The Search and Rescue

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Tatsumi kill Aria when they saw the dead people in the Shed then Izuku tells them to get away now before Akame comes there. They agree on him so Izuku used En's Smokescreen allowing them to escape

Akame: Our mission is done we're heading back *jumps off the roof and landed at the shadows along with the Night Raid*

Shoto/Kirishima/Denki: (Where are you now Izuku/Midobro?) *followed the Night Raid behind*

In the Night Raid Base

Sheele: *looked at Denki* (He seem worried about someone)

Najenda: So how's the mission?

Akame: Boss, the target's body was nowhere to be found and was burned to ash

Mine: It was burned to ash?

Leone: That's what i saw too mine

Najenda: Who could have done that? *thinking who did it*

Akame: I think it has something to do with someone

Shoto: We also saw him killing the mother of our target right in front of us

Kirishima: The way he kill her is way more faster, very nasty and more scary

Bulat: More faster, very nasty and more scary? What do you mean by that?

Sheele: After he stabbed her head and slam it at the ground then he stomped her head spreading all of her blood on the floor

Mine: That's very nasty more than scary if you ask me

Najenda: What else did you know about this guy?

Denki: Mine was about to shoot him and he used smokescreen to escape from the shot

Shoto: And judging from the quirk smokescreen i am sure that guy is definitely izuku

Kirishima: Yeah, the way he moves is very similar to izuku

Akame: You mean you're 4th friend?

Denki: Yeah, that's definitely him

Kirishima: The question is where the hell is he when we arrived in this world?

Shoto: That question can be really answered by izuku only, kirishima

Najenda: Well since the job is done you three will be seperating and will go to other members of night raid for this job

Denki: I think i know what you're talking about boss

Shoto: Well what are we waiting for?

Kirishima: Wait we're going now?

Najenda: Of course not you will do it tomorrow

The trio: We got it boss *leaves the room*

Najenda: Did you saw an imperial arms akame?

Akame: Yes boss 2 imperial arms to be exact

Leone: 2 Imperial arms? What are they look like?

Najenda: I think one of them is a katana like yours akame right?

Akame: Yes boss

Mine: What's the name of that imperial arm akame?

Akame: It's name is Kamakura one of the three katanas

Lubbock: Like the Yatsufusa and Murasame?

Bulat: Sounds like it Lubbock

Najenda: What about the other imperial arm akame?

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