Chapter 2: Hello, Belle!

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Day 1 – Morning (Seven Days Remain)

Little town, it's a quiet village;

Every day, like the one before...

Little town, full of little people

Waking up to say...

"Good morning, Belle!" the baker greeted as he passed with an armful of pastries.

"Good morning, M'sieur," the inventor's daughter curtsied and followed the man, eager to socialize.

"Where you off to?" he inquired politely, although it was obvious his attention was elsewhere as he sorted through his goods.

"The book shop. I just finished the most wonderful story! About a beanstalk, and an ogre, and a–"

"That's nice," the baker commented, absentmindedly. A cross look came over his face as he realized he was missing something from his tray, before shouting, "Marie! The baguettes! Hurry up!"

Belle shrugged and tucked back a stray lock of hair before walking away; she didn't wish to disturb the man any further if he had business to attend to. Besides, she knew of at least one place in town where someone other than herself would be interested in literature, and it most definitely wasn't the bakery.

The village sprung to life as people began bustling to and fro, busying themselves with morning errands, such as purchasing eggs or chasing livestock. Belle made her way hastily through the madness, hitching a ride on the back of a hay cart to travel across town to the bookshop.

The tiny brass bell above the door tinkled as Belle came through. The sound was like music to her ears, her favorite sound in the world.

"Ah, Belle!" the bespectacled old bookkeeper greeted as she entered, grinning.

"Good morning," Belle returned cordially. She reached into the basket that hung from her elbow and pulled out a book. "I've come to return the book I borrowed."

It quickly exchanged hands, and before the elderly man could even register what he was now holding the dame was already on the other side of the room, scouring for a new novel to occupy her restless mind.

"Finished already?" he asked, incredulous.

"Oh, I couldn't put it down. Have you got anything new?"

The bookkeeper chuckled and tucked the book away. "Not since yesterday!"

"That's alright," Belle murmured as her hands danced over the many leather-bound spines that sat side-by-side on the shelves. "I'll borrow... this one!"

She handed it to the bookkeeper for approval. The old man adjusted his specs and inspected the front cover, shaking his head with disbelief when he realized the title she had picked out.

"That one? But you've read it twice!"

"Well, it's my favorite!" Belle started, explaining with such a passion and obliviousness to anything else that the bookkeeper couldn't help but to laugh. "Far-off places, daring sword fights, magic spells, a prince in disguise–"

"If you like it all that much, it's yours," he interrupted her with a sigh, handing her the book as he led her out. Belle's face lit up. No one but her Mama and Papa had ever given her a gift before.

"But, sir!"

"I insist."

"Well, thank you. Thank you very much!"

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