How It All Happened

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Authors note: I was in a rush to publish this cuz I just finished it today, but I forgot to mention all characters except Fira, Lillian, the King and their mother all belong to the Midnight Cinderella game.

Fira had known about the Kingdom of Stein. She was taught that they are not to be trusted with. They were always shrouded with mystery as to what goes on in that kingdom.

But she hadn't expected to meet him in person. She met the King of Stein when she was sixteen and he was twenty one. That was when Byron first came to the throne and she along with her sister Lillian and her father the King were invited to his coronation ceremony.

When she first saw him, he looked somewhat distant. He seemed to have noticed her, and that was when she felt a zing when they locked eyes.

It wasn't until two years later that they would meet again.

It was on her eighteenth birthday, Princess Fira of Wysteria was given an extravagant birthday celebration with numerous nobles and royals from nearby kingdoms were invited. As they all gave their birthday wishes to her, a strange looking man and his assistant came to wish her happy birthday. The man had an eye patch and dressed all in black, and the two of them locked eyes with each other. She felt a little shock inside of her when she made awkward eye contact with that man. Within seconds, they were gone. Fira blinked in surprise and everything went back to normal.

After the party, she decided to sneak out and try to find that man. As she went down the stairs, she lost one of her glass slippers that she was given earlier. But she kept on running. She eventually found that man and asked for his name. He introduced himself as Byron, King of Stein. Suddenly, a loud noise was coming closer to where she was. The king, surrounded by guards yelled, "Fira! Stay away from that man! He is an enemy to our kingdom!" She jumped and tried to run away from her father, but in the process, she ran into one of the torchlights on the castle, causing her to get burned on her right arm.

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