chapter 1

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'year 10 huh... i hope my classes are the same, i'd hate to be in a lower set' 

"oi y/n... Y/N!"

"i'm right here you don't have to shout"

"lets compare timetables"

"ight, i got P.E. with Mr west, english with Miss toui, science with Miss chan and maths with Miss robin"

"huh, miss robin? isn't that her first name"

"who knows i think she's new"

"i've only got maths with you i think i went down a set"

"there there Elliot, i always knew you had a couple extras chromosomes"

"shut-up" the bell rang and the two of them headed of to maths

*character bio's

name: Nico Robin
height: 6'4 (towers over y/n, just how she likes it)
age: 38
sign: libra
likes: y/n, books, hugs, having alone time with y/n, teasing y/n, following y/n, touching y/n, kidnapping y/n and locking him in her room for days
dislikes: y/n being out of her sight, y/n trying to run away from her, y/n spending time with his friends, others trying to get close to y/n
personality: sadistic, likes to play 'games' with y/n during school

name: Y/N L/N
height: 4'8 (just under robin's breast's)
age: 15
sign: gemini
likes: sitting in a blanket and watching tv and listening to music
dislikes: Robin hitting on him during school, Robin following him after school, Robin keeping him after class and doing stuff to him
personality: lazy, spends most his time sleeping in school, often day dreams, doesn't talk to others (except elliot)
looks: small, white hair in curtains, blue eyes, red cheeks and pale white skin, a scar on his jawline that extends downward close to his neck (got at the age of 3)

*maths class  

"good morning class i will be your teacher for this year, my name is Miss Robin, when i call out your name i expect you to reply with good morning miss, kaigaku"

"good morning miss"




"oi y/n wake up teach is calling you"

"hu- huh oh here miss"

"you are to say good morning miss"

"oh good morning miss"

'what a cute boy, he's exactly what i've been looking for, could be sharpened up a bit more though'

*further into the lesson

the rest of the class was busy with the work, while miss kept eyeing up y/n, he only noticed a couple times though "oi elliot the teacher keeps looking at me, is there something on my face" 

"who cares you seen the girls we have in our class there so hot"

"tsk- think with your head not your dick"


"miss i need help with this question" y/n raised his hand and the teacher walked over "what is it"

"number 12 i don't understand"

"oh that's simple" robin bent down from behind y/n, her face was so close y/n could feel her breathing on his ear, as she was talking her other hand was on y/n's hip 'what is she doing' she slightly squeezed him a bit causing him to squeal a bit 'how adorable, i'm going to have fun with you' after explaining the question robin returned to her desk and kept giving y/n those kind of 'looks' 

possessive teacher nico robin x young male readerWhere stories live. Discover now