chapter 2

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y/n was waiting in his room 'is she going to knock on my door or what, if she does won't my parents see her, isn't the point of making an excuse for my parents not to know i'm with her'

*phone ringing


"come outside i'm waiting for you" y/n walked outside a saw a limo waiting with a man in a suit waiting for him "please step in" he said opening the door revealing robin waiting for him, y/n got in not before being grabbed by robin and pulled in "huh your hickeys already gone, you bruise and easily as it goes" she said before sucking on his neck again 

"why did you rent a limo?"

"i didn't rent it"

"huh? you expect me to believe you own a limo and driver on teacher salary" she said nothing but just nodded "h- how?"

"you don't need to know" she said drinking her wine, she looked at him who was just pouting begging with his eyes "stop pouting i'm not telling you" y/n looked away in disappointment "here i have a present" she passed him a small box

"what is this"

"open it" taking off the wrapping revealed a small box, inside it is a necklace with a purple jewel "put it on" 

"o- ok" he put it on and watched robin's face light up 

"its perfect on you, from now on i'll be treating you to anything you desire but it comes with conditions"

"like what"

"i wrote them down there's a lot"

'another one of these'

the paper read:

1: never talk out of line 
2: never talk back
3: always listen to what i have to say
4: obey my every word
5: every night you will wait in my bed for me and every morning you will not leave til i give you permission
6: before you we go to bed you will cuddle with me
7: you will shower and bath with me 

if you fail to follow any of these you will be punished by me personally

y/n said nothing but passed robin her paper back "do you accept these terms"

'if i accept these i live at her mercy'

"you have one chance to accept them if you don't you will leave the car and miss out on a life of luxury"

"i... i accept"

"good boy" she said stroking his hair

*timeskip robin's house 

'this place is enormous' y/n was running down the very many corridors while robin tries to find him

*robin POV

"m'lady would you like us to assist you" said a tall slender butler

"no i quite enjoy hunting for him, let the boy have his fun its not everyday he gets to explore a mansion"

*y/n POV

"Y/N!... Y/N!" y/n kept hearing robin distant calls for him but chose to ignore her and kept exploring "y/n i called for you next time you come to me" robin was behind him

"h- how did you g- get there" 

"i told you i have a devil fruit but your still won't listen, that's a serious problem of yours" another robin appeared from behind him "lets do it"

"do what"

"you know" robin grabbed his waist "not a chance"

"come on, i know you want to"

possessive teacher nico robin x young male readerWhere stories live. Discover now