59 It's Never 'Just' with You

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"We need to talk..." Chris says, pulling me to a stop in the deserted hallway away from the ensuing chaos of the front foyer. His expression is serious but unreadable, sending my heartbeat racing.

"What is it?" I ask, dread creeping over me.

"No baby, it's not bad. It's just, oww-"

Chris groans and rubs his arm where I smacked it. "The fuck man, we just talked about you NOT using the 'we need to talk,' line. Like seriously, you just gave me a damn heart attack," I growl. He looks at me for a moment and begins to laugh like a maniac as he sags against the wall.

"Okay, okay, you're right... How do I start then?" he chuckles.

"Just spit it out," I sigh. "Neither one of us likes when the other tries to sugar coat things."

"Fair enough." Chris nods, gathering me in his arms. "As you know, the guests have started to arrive. Waiting at the border at first light was Alpha Hale."

His words hit home with a gravity that I wasn't expecting. I let out a shaky breath and nod.

This shouldn't surprise me, I knew he was coming.

"Eli did the test and, as he suspected, that is your pack," Chris whispers, holding me tightly. "There's something else..."

"More than that?!" I gasp, pushing against his chest in surprise.

Chris nods, his face unreadable. "Hale requested a second test... He brought with him a pack member he suspected of being a relative."

Suddenly I begin to feel lightheaded and my knees buckle. Chris scoops me up and carries me off to a secluded window nook and sets me down. The world around me disappears and all I can hear is my racing heartbeat.

Never once did I consider that I'd have living family...

"Are you okay baby?" he asks, concern etching his features. "I'll call Doc."

"No wait," I whisper, grabbing his arm. "I'm okay, it's just a lot..."

"You don't have to see them if you don't want to," he murmurs, holding me close. "They understand how difficult this must be and have agreed to keep their distance."

I lay my head on his chest and listen to the soothing, steady beating of his heart. The effect is almost instant, allowing my breathing to slow and dizziness to subside.

Did I want that? To come this far, find my pack, and family, but turn my back?


"I want to meet them... just the timing is shit," I mumble.

"Ain't that the truth," he groans. "They've asked to stay longer so there's no rush. You have more than enough to deal with over the next couple of days."

I scoff, feeling like that's an understatement. Tonight we have the rehearsal dinner or welcome dinner, I'm not quite sure which, then tomorrow the main event.

"You should try and take it easy while you can, rest, and avoid the crowds?" Chris offers. Concern swims in his eyes as he looks at me so I simply nod.

"Don't worry about me, I think I'm just gonna go see the Guardians or something," I say, reaching up for a kiss. Chris helps me up and walks me to the Guardian's wing before heading back to the chaos.

"Jess!" Quinn calls as I enter the commons. "Did you find where the bugger is hiding?"

"Hmm?" I ask, walk with her to the kitchen. Nell's baking still fills the space as she pauses, talking with Mack over cookies and coffee.

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