The Calm

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Just so This doesn't confuse anyone: this will be back to the original timeline, not Veronicas memories.

Bucky was the first to check on her, after she ran to her room. They all gave her 30 minutes, letting her have some quiet and room to think. When Bucky reached her room, he went to knock but the door opened.

Veronica heard his footsteps approach her door so she just let him in using her magic. She was lying on her side, clutching a pillow to her stomach. Bucky closed her door when he got in and walked to her bed.

Veronica felt the bed dip, and she turned around, since her back was to him, laying her head in Bucky's lap when he sat down. He placed a hand in her hair, while the other was placed on her waist.

The room was silent, both parties enjoying being in each other company. Veronica found this small acts were so intimate and domestic. There were times where Bucky would randomly massage her scalp, or massage her back, simply guess she had tension in these places. She loved every minute of it.

Breaking the silence Veronica said, "Do you think I'm a monster? An inconvenience,?" The question surprised Bucky. He knew she felt a particularly way about herself, he could see it. Every-time she looked in the mirror it's a certain glint in her eyes. But she never voiced it. She wanted to handle this kind of stuff by her self.

"Do you think your a monster," Bucky asked. He never saw Veronica as a monster, as in inconvenience. She was the woman he woke up to almost everyday, the first thing on his mind is her. She the woman he goes to bed with, who he wants to spend the rest of his extended life with.

Veronica thought of herself as imperfect, but to Bucky, she was the closest thing to perfect. She was his perfect. So, the battle that Veronica was fighting was mental, meaning he couldn't do much but be there for support, for reassurance.

Veronica didn't say anything, but she did nod her head. Bucky bend down a little placing light kiss on the side of her head. He repeated that motion three times.

Sitting up he said, "We all have a monster in us, sometimes they win, sometimes they don't. You aren't a monster Ronnie. You haven't done anything monstrous. You were given an impossible situation. What you did was completely understandable. No one looks at you any different, we just want to make sure your ok," he heard a few sniffles come from Veronica .

"I wanted to kill her, I was going to kill her. Why is it that they can affect me this much," Veronica whispered. Bucky wiped her tears with his real hand, massaging her hair with the other.

"They hurt you for so long, it becomes almost normal for you," Bucky was speaking from experience. His time with Hydra was torture. Even when he was the Winter Soldier, he still felt that pain. When he was finally free,  nothing made sense.

"Stockholm syndrome," Veronica said. That's what it was.

"Stockholm syndrome," Bucky repeated in agreement. Veronica started to chuckle, which confused Bucky, he didn't know if she was chuckling to stop herself from crying again, or if something was actually funny.

"You know, the odds are really against us," Veronica said.

"What do you mean?," Bucky asked confused. Veronica sat up wiping her tears, and grabbing both of his hands.

"We are very similar, to similar, that if we were normal, we probably wouldn't work out," Bucky started to laugh to. The odds were really not in their favor but they didn't care. They were both extremely damaged, but they helped each other, they loved each other.

"Damaged buddies," Veronica said while raising her hand in a high fiving motion. Laughing Bucky raised his hand high fiving her. When their hands collided, they entwined their fingers, and Bucky pulled Veronica into him. They shared a small kiss before wrapping their arms around each other.

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