I'm Sorry

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We start with Izuku, currently on his way to see his Mother

"I need to hurry, Mom's probably worried about me since the School Festival and likely saw that Video someone posted of me singing" Izuku thought remembering when his friends showed him a video someone posted of him singing during the School Festival and seeing that it hit 100 million views in just a few days

Yet on his way he noticed a Woman who seemed to be a bit panicked. So being the Sweet, Kind and Gentle Soul that he is, He stopped to check on her

"Excuse me Madam, but do you need any Help?" Izuku asked going to her

"Huh?.. Oh! My Apologies, Uh Yes i need some help, You see my Daughters Pet Cat is stuck in that Tree right there and i can't climb so.... I Don't know what to do" The Woman Explained

"Oh? *Looks in the Tree and sees the Cat* Well if You'd Like Madam i could get the Cat down from there if you wish" Izuku offered knowing that it would a simple task

"Really?! Are you sure? i wouldn't want to bother you" The Woman said

"No it's really no problem Madam, Here i get The Cat down right now" Izuku said Smiling to the Woman making her more calm

He used OFA just at 2% to quickly climb up the Tree and get the Cat

"Here you go Madam" Izuku said putting the Cat down

"Thank You Sir! Oh Honey look this Young Man Got your Pet Cat Down from the Tree" The Woman said with Her Daughter coming back from her friends

"Thank You Sir, i tried asking my friends for help" The Young Girl said

"No Problem Little One, it's all part of being a Hero" Izuku said knelling down to her and extending his hand to her

Yet when the Little Girl shook his Hand the Cat suddenly jumped on to the Girl Scaring her and a Strange feeling suddenly shot through Izuku's Body

"W-What's Happening to Me??!" Izuku said as he fell over and started to feel really tired

"Nozomi! What have you done! Oh I'm so Sorry Young Man for what's happened!" The Woman said as Izuku blacked out

Time Skip

Izuku by this point has started to wake up, he felt a bit of pain around his Body but overall he was fine

He looked around a bit and realized that he was in presumable UA's Infirmary

Upon a closer  look he saw Recovery Girl to his side waiting for him to wake up, while on the other side of the Bed was All Might and surprisingly his Mother too, but noticed that her eye appeared Red and her cheeks has Tear lines down them too

"M-Mom?... I'm Sorry for making you worry" Izuku said but strangely his Voice sounded different then normal

"I-Izuku..... How do you feel?" Inko asked a bit unsure of just what to ask him

"W-What do you mean Mom? I'm fin---- Wait, now that you mention it.... My Chest Feels Heavier then Normal" Izuku said sitting up in the Bed

"Young Midoriya.... We were informed what happened by that Woman you helped get her Daughters cat out of the Tree and.... Her daughter accidentally used her quirk on you and.... From the Information we have..... The Effect is Permanent" All Might explained sounded more concerned then sad

"W-W-What was the Quirk's Effect??!" Izuku asked now afraid

"Izuku..... SweetHeart.... Here Just look for your self" Inko said as Recovery Girl gave her a Mirror

Izuku slowly moved the Mirror to face him, thinking that he had turned into some kind of Monster. But when he saw himself it was quite the opposite

In the reflection what he saw was likely the Most Prettiest Girl he's ever seen

Long Emerald Green Hair that, while Messy perfectly fit His, or i Guess Her Gentle and Innocent Look. His Skin had turned a bit more pale and smooth that you'd just want to caress it. 

Last was His Emerald Green eye's which now were so Bright and Beautiful looking that they would make Gemstones look like plain Rocks in comparison 

Last was His Emerald Green eye's which now were so Bright and Beautiful looking that they would make Gemstones look like plain Rocks in comparison 

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(He i mean She's wearing Casual Clothes not the UA Uniform)

Yet Despite all this, Izuku Himself only felt afraid with this Information that He had turned into Girl in the Blink of an Eye

"W-W-WHa-What the Heck is Going on!!!!?!??" Izuku yelled scared

"You've been turned into a Girl from--" All Might said but was cut off

"Yeah i get that Much All Might, I mean... Just what happens now because of this" Izuku asked slowly calming down

"Well, Will be letting you stay back with your Mother for a Week to let you..... Adjust to what's happened, Me and Aizawa will cover for you on why your gone" All Might stated

"Yeah and will need to go shopping to get you some new clothing that fit you Izuku" Inko added

"B-B-But Mom I'm still a Boy on the Inside! I-I can't..... Wear that Stuff" Izuku said referring to having to wear Female Attire

"I Understand but at the very least we need to get you some.... Under garnets" Inko stated

 After a bit more pep talk between the two Green Heads They left the infirmary with All Might making sure no one sees them till they were outside UA

"Well Young Midoriya, i'll see you by Next week back here" All Might said

"Y-Yeah... Thanks All Might" Izuku replied

"Now that... This has happened to me... What are they all gonna think of me now?" Izuku thought as him and his mother headed home

A/N: Hey i know this is ridiculously Short but that's kinda the point for this story. This is just a small side story i've had in mind for a while and i might making another one later

And since i know Someone is gonna ask for Measurements, I'm just gonna use Benkei's,

Bust: 89

Waist: 59 


 And By Benkei i mean this Benkei

 And By Benkei i mean this Benkei

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From a Boy To a GirlWhere stories live. Discover now