Adjusting.....Sort of

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A/N: I'll be referring to Izuku as a He Until he is comfortable with being a Girl

A little over a day has passed since Izuku was turned into a girl and on the Outside Izuku seemed to being fairly ok coping with this change but really, he was completely Lost on what to do

Of course the main reason why he.. i mean She was putting on a Brave face was to not worry Her Mother or All Might

As for his class, Aizawa was able to cover by giving a half truth, saying that Izuku was just spending time with his Mother which She was 

On the Inside though Izuku was still filled with many questions such as, Should he speak to himself as "He" or "She"? Should He start to where Female Clothing? but he Main one that he was most concerned or Embarrassed about was just seeing his own body naked while taking a shower. He couldn't decide whether he should consider having to get used to all these things since he was still hoping that maybe the quirk could be reversed in some way

"....Know what, Let's just try Me, This Is my Body and i need to at least try to get used to it" Izuku said to himself and He got up and started to take off his cloths which were now to big for him and faced a mirror with his Eyes Closed

As for the Underwear (Which he Kept on of Course), With His mother being just as caring as he is, she didn't force him to have to wear very feminate like panties and as for a Bra, Izuku chose to wear a Sarashi 

Yet right as he barley even caught a glimpse of his Female Body in the mirror it was Way to much for him, His faced turned fully red and his knees gave out on him

"Never mind .... I can't handle it" Izuku thought defeated by his Own Bodies Beauty

But you really couldn't blame him, The sight of His Female Body was already alot for a regulars person to handle and Izuku more shy and kind then really anyone 

The Face he now had was nothing but pure Sweetness and beauty, His Female Body was that added with an extreme Sex Appeal on top of it all. Starting from the Bottom his Legs were now long slim and just beautiful, added with hips that measured just about the same as his Chest, a perfectly round and reasonable large Buttocks with a Slim waist and His Chest/Bust being perfectly round and plump without any kind of a sag (I think 89 cm is an E Cup, I Don't know so correct me if i'm wrong) 

Izuku as a Girl, Undoubtedly had a silhouette and almost Beauty like Aura that would make even the biggest Models and Idols feel inadequate

"I... Need to get Up" Izuku said to himself and put his clothing back on

"Izuku Hon, I have something for you!" Inko said getting back from some shopping

"Sure Mom, i'm coming down" Izuku replied heading over

"Now, Honey i know your still adjusting to what happened.... but the School sent me this for you" Inko said showing Izuku that she had a Female UA Uniform 

"M-Mom! I can't wear that!!" Izuku said red faced

"Izuku i know your still uncomfortable about all this but..... You have to at least try to adjust" Inko said giving Izuku a Look that he couldn't say No to

"...F..Fine.... Ok Mom" Izuku said defeated, taking the Uniform and going to change, making sure to not look as His Body so that he wouldn't explode red 

After he finished he came out to his Mother

After he finished he came out to his Mother

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From a Boy To a GirlWhere stories live. Discover now