Chapter 1

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The door of the ER crashed open and in come two paramedics with a gurney followed by TC. They rattled off vitals as doctors and nurses grabbed onto the gurney pulling it into a trauma room.
"You got real lucky pulling that beach out TC." One of the nurses said a TC walked off.
"Luck has nothing to do with it." TC replayed
"I hear it over dispatch, hell of a way to start your shift." Jordan told him. "Not my first choice." He responded.
He walked into a small storage room pulling off his bloodied shirt pulling on a dark blue scrub top.
"You look like crap." She said walking behind him.
"Pulling a branch out of a guys stomach can be a bit messy."
"I meant your face. Are you fighting again?" She asked.
"I didn't start this one." He counteracted.
"You never do. Look I need your paperwork for the drug company study. I'm trying to fund and extra position for the day shift, and you are a month behind." Jordan said.
"Am I." He asked snuggly.
"Yes you are. The only thing I need from you is to take one day. One day to finish the paperwork instead of going out, getting drunk and stating fights." She told him.
TC goes to check the computer ignoring her.
"Hey I'm done being nice." She tells him as she follows him as he walks off.
"This is nice?" He asks.
"You know what, I am going to ride you until I get the paperwork." She said pointing a finger at him.
"You've got a boyfriend, so sex with me isn't going to work, nice try." He tells she and taps her on the nose.
"Good morning slash evening. This is very cute." Topher tells them walking up to the two.
"Waits that's her." He said pointing to the bruise that has formed on his face.
"I wish I did that." She glares at him "He's hungover, again"
"Oh, come on J I've seen you sucking on a bong like you were giving it CPR." Topher tells her.
"That's nothing. She use to-" TC was cut short of what he was saying
"You shut up." She points at him "and Topher that was ages ago. Please, please get me the paperwork, alright. For me?"
"So who is the new doctor that we are meant to be getting?" Topher asked the two.
"No idea, but they might want to show up soon or they might find themselves without a job before they even started." TC said.

Just as TC stoped speaking Molly turned and called over her shoulder about an accident and needing a doctor on scene. He turned to Topher asking silently to join. He nodded and they grabbed to two orange backpacks and black jackets that Molly handed to them and ran towards the elevator to head to the roof where the was a chopper awaiting them.

Jumping from the chopper they were met by on scene paramedics that filled them in.
"Car accident, there's a young boy still trapped in the back. Some chick was here when we pulled up said we can't move him." The paramedic informed them.
TC and Topher made their way over to the SUV to seen a woman leaning in through the sunroof.
"Mam, I need you to get off the car so we can work." Topher yelled.
She didn't listen so TC tried.
"Mam we really need you to move there is a storm coming in and we need to get out of here as soon as possible." TC then yelled.
"Is that the one and only TC Callahan? If that is TC, I would like you to meet my friend Matthew. Matthew here has his skull separated from his spinal column. They move separately with each breath he takes. Now his spinal cord is still intact, he still has movement in his extremities. So I need some help stabilising his neck." She said.
"Okay, that is Eloise Alister. Eloise, I would like you to meet Topher. Toph Eloise is Drew's older sister. We served together." TC explained to a confused looking Topher.
"I would shake you had, but I am a little busy, so TC if you could give me a hand here." She told the two guys.

They worked on stabilising Matthew's neck before cutting him free from the SUV. They then got him loaded into the chopper. Eloise then turned to a police officer and threw him her keys.
"If you able to drive my car to San Antonio Memorial hospital that would be greatly appreciated, I have an emergency surgery to preform." She said will a small smile before hopping into the chopper.
Landing on the roof of the hospital the rain poured down onto them. All three dcotors rush the gurney into the awaiting shelter where they were met Michale Rigosa.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2022 ⏰

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