Chapter 6

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Chapter 6-The Boy

About One Year Later

Green Sector Trade Center

Just Before Sunset, 5th of Pachon, Year 612, First month of the Rainy Season

            “Hele mua!” She whispers it into my ear, but it sounds louder than anyone could ever scream. “Hele mua!” Again, but this time I actually hear the words and not just the noise.

            “What is that supposed to mean?” I ask scooting closer to the wooden stall. The stalls all have a straw covering above them to keep the goods safe, and the shopkeepers don't bother to look down here under their noses, especially when it’s raining. The cold of the rain makes my bones feel like they could shatter.

            There are a ton of other Zenith and Reds doing the same exact thing under other stalls. I can only think of two things that make us different from them. We have each other, and, I am going to take a shot in the dark and say that we are the only people here about to pull of a heist. They might be here to steal, but we actually know what we are doing.

            “It’s my mother’s language. It means brother.” She moves her lips away from my ear and sits quietly in a polite seiza.

            Now I am used to Echo saying things that leave me in shock. It doesn't even register on my face anymore, I don't think. This is the first time Echo has ever said anything about her mother. And a little more than a year after us meeting I didn't think it would ever come out. I don’t let anything show in my voice though. “Oh? Where was she from?”

            “Huh? What do you mean?” I can’t tell if she is joking with me or if she really just doesn't understand the question.

            “Where was she from? Was she from the City of Light? I have never heard that type of language before.”  And I know every language spoken in the City of Light. But of course I don’t say that. It would be arrogant. Even though she has seen me converse and barter with many kinds of people, it still would be.

            “Um…” Echo starts to draw her name in the mud. “Well she isn’t from here. But other than that I don’t know really.”

            “I see.” I say trying to not sound too disappointed. “Well.” I say it as if I am about to get up. “We need to do this sooner or later. The Shell Holder is just across the way from here.” I sowed hoods into our shirts this morning and we make good use of them slipping through the crowds on the way to the Shell Holder. Most of our prior jobs had been either private residences or just vandalism for training. The Zenith all but relied upon our Robin Hooded money now. At this rate the total Zenith buying power might reach a full percentage point of the Red’s. The rain isn’t hard, but god is it cold! My icy breath notwithstanding, it obscures everything from sight making our lives a lot easier.

            The Shell Holders are in the highest portion of the Green. They don’t have stalls but buildings that they had their slaves build for them long ago. When I look at the massive door shrouded in the mist of clouds and fog, I almost get scared. Almost.

            “So.” Echo’s voice lilts a little bit too loudly for my taste. “How do we get in?”             She walks up to the door and is about to touch it, but I snatch her back. “Buildings like this have heat sensors. If you touch the door, the people inside will know. There is only one way to get inside without getting caught.” I look to the right side of the building and lo and behold the metal fire escape hasn’t budged a bit. The only difference is a slight increase in rust. “There.”

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