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I just want to say, before you read this chapter, go all the ways to the back. There you will find a sound looking thing, press that than music will come on. It only works if you have Beta version of Wattpad

" SON!" DAD screamed. I instally stood up up from my bad, pain shooting through my body from yesterday. I ran out of my room, making my way downstairs where my dad called me from. Dad was on the couch as always, watching tv. Beer bottles laid everywhere near him. I  slowly walked towed him, ready for what he might say, or do.
Dad turned his head, his cold eyes locked with my dull hue ones.

He reached out, taking hold of the collor of my shirt, bringing me close to his face. " go to the market and get me more beer!" His  breath had the smell of alcohol, he was clearly drunk.
" da-dad, are you su-sure that's a good idea? Your clrealy dru--" I was cut off by him yelling at me. " just do what your fucking told son!" His harsh words made my flinch back.

He took out a 20 from his wallet, handing it to me. More like throwing it towed me. I took it with a shaky hand, walking back upstairs to get my old, ripped up vans, and an old sweater
I quickly put both on, knowing if a take to long, dad will surely get even more made than what he is now. But I have seen worse than what he is now.

I walked down the stairs, seeing dad was suddenly in the kitchen looking through the fridge. I walked to the door, opening it, than running out before my dad says something. I kept on running, not in the direction of the supermarkets, I was done with my dad. He had legs, he could easily walk, get his own stuff. Like he says, it's ' his'. It would be good for him as well, he needs to lose weight anyways. But I don't care about the fag, he could burn in hell. I felt tears of joy in my eyes. I was finally free! I know mom must be happy. She most likely wanted this for me.

Ever since my mom had me, dad turned into something she never expected he would turn into. He was a nice, caring man to my mother, he kissed her with love, bought her flowers everyday, he even perposed to her. Put once mother told him she was having a boy, he actually was happy. They where starting a family finally.

But mother got sick, really sick. When it was her time to have me, it was her time. She let go, but she did make my dad promis to name me Zayn.
Than when she was gone, dad hated me. When I was only 12 years old, he told be everything. He told me the reason why he starved me, beat me, all that. He would yiell I was the reason for my mother's death.

I felt the tears of sadness come burning in. Dad told me how much of a nice women she was, how down to earth, so sweet, beautiful women. Even though I never new her, I missed her. I could tell from the inside I took after her. I would do anything to bring her back, even if that means turning around, walking straight back into my father's house.

My running turned into a  slow jog, than speed  walking.  I sniffed back the tears that tryed to leave my eye lids. My breathing was raggid as well. I really did not have much energy to run any further. I have not been feed at all this week. Dad always ate everything I would go out and buy. Lately his appetite was getting to him. He would eat everything in one gulp, not leaving a single crumb for me.

My stomach growls at the thought of food. I than rememberd I had 20 dollars. Since I won't ever go back to my dad, I'll just buy some crisps, maybe a soda when I see a gas station. Hopefully I find one soon, I think I might pass out from the lack of therst, and hunger.

After some time of walking, passing houses I never seen before. I saw a 7/11 gas station at the corner of the neighborhood. Three cars where parked out side the building. I sighs deeply in release. I was scared it might be packed, people would be asking why I was out so late.

I walked over to the gas station, almost running, releaved I could finally get something to eat.

I opens the doors, the little bell ringing. Telling the workers that someone enterd. I walked over to the crisps, taking a big bag, not really caring what type they are. I than walked over to the freezer, grabbing a jug of water.

Zayn Malik kidnappedWhere stories live. Discover now